8 Quotes About Shovel

We all need shovels in our lives. Whether it’s to dig a hole, fill up a hole, or just dispose of some things, shovel quotes are here to remind you that you don’t need to do everything by yourself. There are times when it’s best to ask for help, and you might find yourself being more successful if you have additional hands working with you. So grab your shovel and get digging with these inspirational quotes about shovels.

I'm in a hole because at some point I found...
I'm in a hole because at some point I found a shovel and started digging. Maybe I should trade my shovels for ladders and start climbing. Craig D. Lounsbrough
Leaders don't pray to God to fill their potholes. They ask God for shovels so they can do it by His grace. Pray practically. Israelmore Ayivor
The shovel is bigger than the spoon, but it can never ever do the work the spoon does. They both look similar; they both have different sizes but one more thing not to forget is that "they are important in their own roles"! Each is unique! You are unique too. Take the lead! Israelmore Ayivor
Such a shovel, it seemed a waste not to use it. Daniel Kraus
I believe most people are good, even deep down, even if you have to dig a little - although some people can tempt one to pick up a shovel and actually put that to the test. Christina Engela
When I’m at the bottom looking up, the main question may not be ‘how do I get out of this hole?’ In reality, the main question might be ‘how do I get rid of the shovel that I used to dig it? Craig D. Lounsbrough
Oh that I had the opportunity to rethink so many of my decisions, for the pitfalls into which I have so frequently fallen were often dug with the shovel of those very decisions. Craig D. Lounsbrough