4 Quotes About Seeking Help

Everyone needs to seek help at some point in their lives. Whether it’s because you’re broke, stressed, or just need an extra hand, these quotes about seeking help can help you through your tough times.

I now think it takes more faith to name our need than to keep believing that something will happen and not doing anything about it. It takes faith, and great courage, to get help, to take the first painful step toward the dream that is in our hearts.. I know now that you can look at bricks and cement for years, believing in the vision of a home, but until you get down on your hands and knees and start to build, it will remain a dream. Sheila Walsh
We hide our demons so good, that the angels we show, bare the shame on their faces. Anthony Liccione
One day we will all stand alone and answer to God for the choices we have made in our lives. It will not be enough to say we did not get help because no one would come with us. Life is not easy, but we make it much more difficult when we refuse to be honest about what we feel. For the short term, not being honest may seem easier, but in the long haul, we pay a heavy price. Sheila Walsh