11 Quotes About Satellite

With the number of satellites and spacecraft we have in our space exploration and technology, it’s hard to remember how far we’ve come. They’re used to travel to other planets, send emails, and take pictures. You can watch a movie on them, or they can even help you win a game of chess! What many people don’t know is that satellites are actually giant balls of metal orbiting the earth. There are so many kinds of satellites that they have their own names Read more

We have listed some of the names of the most common types below so you can learn a bit more about each one. If you think our space exploration has gone on for a long time, be amazed at how far we have come!

We are in the process of finding out what filling...
We are in the process of finding out what filling the sky with hundreds of thousands of satellites does to all life on Earth. Steven Magee
Shining like a work of art Hanging on a wall of stars Are you what I think you are? You're my satellite You're riding with me tonight Passenger side, lighting the sky Always the first star that I find You're my satellite Elevator to the moon Whistling our favorite tune Trying to get a closer view You're my satellite You're riding with me tonight Passenger side, lighting the sky Always the first star that I find You're my satellite Maybe you will always be Just a little out of reach . Guster
The NSA?""Yeah, they called and offered to help out. Same software they use for enhancing spy satellite imagery." Venkat shrugged. "It's amazing how much red tape gets cut when everyone's rooting for one man to survive. Andy Weir
On a visit to the space program, President Kennedy asked me about the satellite. I told him that it would be more important than sending a man into space. “Why?” he asked. “Because, ” I said, “this satellite will send ideas into space, and ideas last longer than men. Newton N. Minnow
Some people are like satellite. They can be in the middle of nowhere and still will strike messages like lightning using Whatsapp, Facebook, SMS and Skype to tell others what to do. Dont let people be the "Dick Taters" in your life and stop you from changing your lifestyle. Take control of your life as your happiness is in your hands. Rajiv VRD
Moderate giftedness has been made worthless by the printing press and radio and television and satellites and all that. A moderately gifted person who would have been a community treasure a thousand years ago has to give up, has to go into some other line of work, since modern communications put him or her into daily competition with nothing but the world's champions. Kurt Vonnegut Jr.
Her satellite made one full orbit around Planet Earth every sixteen hours. It was a prison that came with an endlessly breathtaking view– vast blue oceans and swirling clouds and sunrises that set half the world on fire. Marissa Meyer
Billions of years from now our sun, then a distended red giant star, will have reduced Earth to a charred cinder. But the Voyager record will still be largely intact, in some other remote region of the Milky Way galaxy, preserving a murmur of an ancient civilization that once flourished – perhaps before moving on to greater deeds and other worlds – on the distant planet Earth. Carl Sagan
I had a dream about you last night... if atomic clocks are synced up to a satellite to keep their time accurate, where does the satellite get its time? Is there a chain of atomic clocks setting time for other atomic clocks? Marshall Ramsay
A satellite has no conscience. Edward R. Murrow