3 Quotes About Sacred And Profane

The sacred and the profane are two very distinct parts of life. The sacred is the eternal, the ultimate, and the eternal. It is all-encompassing. It can be experienced by any religion or philosophy Read more

The profane is the everyday, the ordinary, and temporary. It can be anything from a rock to a person’s hair color. Sometimes we confuse the two.

The sacred and profane are not opposites that must always come into conflict or be in opposition with each other. Instead, they are simply two different ways of looking at life and existence. In fact, when we look for the sacred in all things, we find it everywhere around us.

Conversely, when we focus on what is mundane, we lose sight of the sacred in everything around us. Check out this collection of well-written sacred and profane quotes to help you keep your focus on what’s truly important in life!

O, worldly pomp, how despicable you are when one considers that you are empty and fleeting ! You are justly compared to watery bubbles, one moment all swollen up, then suddenly reduced to nothing. Ordericus Vitalis
Mrs. Bulstrode's naïve way of conciliating piety and worldliness, the nothingness of this life and desirability of cut glass, the consciousness at once of filthy rags and the best damask... George Eliot