12 Quotes About Running Away From Problem

I run until time stops. Until my mind stops. Jennifer Niven
Let's stop kidding ourselves that Greek debt is the Euro's key problem. With Greece gone, who's next ? Alex Morritt
Going away won't change anything if you're running from yourself. Joyce Rachelle
Every time the song looped, all I heard was the part about the lies - and how they weigh you down. Tonight, as I drive toward Detroit in my Jeep, I know what those words really mean. It's not just the lies they're referring to. It's life. You can't run to another town, another place, another state. Whatever it is you're running from - it goes with you. It stays with you until you find out how to confront it. . Colleen Hoover
You cannot run away from the truth because truth will find you. ColoZeus Benz
Cincinatti was where I learned that running away from your problems has a three-month statute of limitations, a lesson I have found repeatedly to be true. Three months is still a first impression -- of a city, of other people, of yourself in that place. But there comes a point when you can no longer hide who you are, and the reactions of others become all too familiar... Stacy Pershall
She didn't know whether she was running away from something or running to something, but she admitted that deep in her heart she wanted to go home. Beatrice Sparks
If he could do one thing, he could run. He had spent his life running, secrets spitting at his back. Brenda Sutton Rose
I could still turn back before I pass the last houses and really have to commit to this. Claire Wong
-Wherever you go, there you are! You can’t run away from yourself, or the underlying situation, no matter where you go. You won’t find happiness anywhere, unless it’s already there in your heart, and therefore you have carried it with you. Andrew James Pritchard
Kevin knew he had to always outrun the enemy inside him, and if that meant playing football, he'd do it. During puberty, he had taken off running and found too late that he couldn't stop. In dreams that turned into nightmares he ran in fear, ripped from sleep in a sweat, shouting, " Run! Brenda Sutton Rose