59 Quotes About Reading For Life

Reading unlocks your creativity and expands your world. It's an essential part of growing up and becoming the person you want to be. Here are some of the best quotes about reading to help you read more, think more, and live more.

Keep reading! Keep travelling! Keep thinking! And finally you will...
Keep reading! Keep travelling! Keep thinking! And finally you will be there, in the Land of Wisdom where the mind has the power of an eagle’s eye! Mehmet Murat Ildan
You become what you digest into your spirit. Whatever you...
You become what you digest into your spirit. Whatever you think about, focus on, read about, talk about, you’re going to attract more of into your life. Make sure they're all positive. Germany Kent
They had only ever discussed books but what, in this...
They had only ever discussed books but what, in this life, is more personal than books? Gabrielle Zevin
Books are the way to stretch out people's souls, and...
Books are the way to stretch out people's souls, and I won't have children with small souls. Jodi Lynn Anderson
The book you read and read well, over and over again, lives in you, becomes your thought and thinking pattern, teaches you all the time and keeps reminding you about how to act and react towards things and occurrences’ in life! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Reading is the life-saving water for our minds. Drink pure...
Reading is the life-saving water for our minds. Drink pure words as much as you need and remain alive! Munia Khan
Keep reading! Keep travelling! Keep thinking! And finally you will be there, in the Land of Wisdom where the mind has the power of an eagle’s eye! Mehmet Murat Ildan
A person can escape an ingrained pattern of mental incapacity or ‘non compos mentis’ (“no power of the mind”) by reading, writing, thinking, and studying their environment for telling external determinates that will shape a journey of the mind, body, and soul. Kilroy J. Oldster
If you read a book which does not make you wonder, ponder! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
The world of books is my fantasy. Lailah Gifty Akita
Nothing will be impossible for the one who reads. Lailah Gifty Akita
How could we love books more than money? This is the state of book lovers. Lailah Gifty Akita
Lover of books, lover of knowledge. Lailah Gifty Akita
Reading, writing, and personal introspection will not protect us from hardship and suffering, but they might introduce us to critical thinking and expose us to what is good in humankind and beautiful in the world that we share with all of nature. Contemplative thought, especially that supplemented with reading literature and attempting to write our own replies to the echoing voices of writers whom preceded us provide us with the potentiality for change, the possibility of personal illumination that enables us to experience a heighted quality of life. Kilroy J. Oldster
I am what I have ever read Bangambiki Habyarimana
The world of books, the greatest possessions. Lailah Gifty Akita
Books are a staircase to unknown worlds. Jason Ellis
Live to read, read to learn. Lailah Gifty Akita
Life is a continue learning process. Each day presents an opportunity for learning. Lailah Gifty Akita
Life is learning process. We must keep learning. Lailah Gifty Akita
Happiness is a state of mental, physical and spiritual well-being. Think pleasantly, engaged sport and read daily to enhance your well-being. Lailah Gifty Akita
When I have money, I invest in buying books. My personal development by reading these books is my greatest pleasure. Lailah Gifty Akita
Read good books to improve yourself. Lailah Gifty Akita
Read the scriptures daily. Lailah Gifty Akita
A book is indeed dead until a reader brings it into life by reading it. Aman Jassal
If a book is worth reading, it will most probably be worth reading twice. Aman Jassal
I am a passionate reader. New interested books keep adding on my reading list. My wildest dream is to complete reading all the books. Lailah Gifty Akita
The world of books captured my heart. Lailah Gifty Akita
Be great, read great books. Lailah Gifty Akita
Everyone wants to be happy and live mindfully. Books teach us how to resuscitate the body and soul and how to recognize what in our own personal lives is worthy of noticing. Writers’ considered opinions and subtle observations regarding the joys, paradoxes, pains, tragedies, and truths of living provide us with a jumpstart in analyzing how best to integrate our personal experiences and disjointed thoughts into a cogent belief system. An artistic person understands their passions demand a struggle. Reading allows me unobtrusively to discover how other people freed themselves from suffering a destructive life of attachment, delusion, and disablement. Kilroy J. Oldster
I love books because I don't have to wait for the commercials to be over to find out what happens. Unknown.
If a book can save–redeem us from the mediocrity of the mundane–surely, there must be a God. Chila Woychik
When entering a library, I never forget to bow down! Avijeet Das
Authors do not need to offer us the answers to such weighty questions such as how to live and prepare us to accept death. The aim of a writer’s is to frame worldly questions that allow all readers too independently and jointly explore life-altering questions in a way that satisfies the fabric of thought corresponding to our respective times. Kilroy J. Oldster
When you travel, learn the history of the place. Lailah Gifty Akita
The more you read, the eager you read many more. Lailah Gifty Akita
Everything you read, becomes a part of your life. Aman Jassal
If you don’t want to waste your time on thinking, start reading. Aman Jassal
The man who does not read miss a great literature of knowledge. You must dare to read and reread. Lailah Gifty Akita
The act of reading will enrich your life. Become a lifelong learner and a reader. Lailah Gifty Akita
I have falling in love with reading. Lailah Gifty Akita
A classic is read not to enjoy but only to be boast about it. Aman Jassal
A man who does not read miss great wisdom. Lailah Gifty Akita
The more you read within a balanced life, the more time you have. Strange but true. Mark Donnelly
So many books to read, will I ever finish reading? Lailah Gifty Akita
Books are more to treasure than cars. Lailah Gifty Akita
I am lost in the world of books. So many books to read. Lailah Gifty Akita
Reading books exposes us to the consistency and uniqueness of being human. Book reading is an investigatory process. We read books in order to encounter the orchestrated words that describe emotions and observations that we too have experienced but are unable to glean the right alignment of words that fully embody the resonance that we seek. Kilroy J. Oldster
And it occurred to her that reading was, among other things, a muscle and one that she had seemingly developed. She could read the novel with ease and great pleasure, laughing at remarks, they were hardly jokes, that she had not even noticed before. Alan Bennett
Books have immortalized great minds. Books have kept ancients secrets alive. A world which least value books, least value the real essence of wisdom and least know how to preserve what is precious! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Bravery isn't brandishing a sword. It's standing your moral ground and letting others try their best to take you down. Carla H. Krueger
There are some great, subversive female writers out there. Gender should not affect anything. It does, but it shouldn't. Carla H. Krueger
Good stories never wear out, re-gift a book! Nanette L. Avery
There are books that change our perspectives and books that change our personalities. Carla H. Krueger
People who don't read fiction are scared of what's inside their own heads. Carla H. Krueger
I read used books because fingerprint-smudged and dog-eared pages are heavier on the eye. Because every book can belong to many lives. Books should be kept in public places and step out with passersby who'll onto them for a spell. Books should die like people, consumed by aches and pains, infected, drowning off a bridge together with the suicides, poked into a potbellied stove, torn apart by children to make paper boats. They should die of anything, in other words, except boredom, as private property condemned to a life sentence on a shelf. Erri De Luca
I have found that reading is much better than a good sleep. Lailah Gifty Akita
Every reading is a misreading. Phyllis Rose