10 Quotes About Raheel Farooq

When we feel lost and alone, we often turn to others for guidance and advice. But sometimes we find ourselves without anyone’s advice and guidance, and we need to know what to do. That’s why we can always turn to those who have been there before us and who now live their lives as they choose. It’s those people who have experienced what it’s like to navigate the waters of life that can help us understand how to move forward Read more

They show us the way, and they help us see things from a different perspective. The following quotes about life are all from those who have walked it before us, so take a moment today to learn from their experiences.

The intelligent have plans Unknown
Conquer yourself Unknown
A good teacher does something more than teaching Unknown
Culture has little to do with how refined a man's intellect is Unknown
Everyone knows that evil should be avoided wherever possible Unknown
Men are different Unknown
Stupidity is not a behavior Unknown
The ordeal is not that truth does not win Unknown
Don't quarrel with yourself Unknown