8 Quotes About Poltic

Politics can be a tricky topic. To start with, the word itself is hard to define. It is often used interchangeably with political science, government, or even power. But politics is much more than that Read more

Politics is the art of governing, of making decisions that affect society as a whole. It is the process by which laws are made and imposed on people, of applying coercion to secure compliance, and of resolving disputes between individuals or groups. Politics encompasses every facet of our lives, especially how we live together as a society.

If you’re interested in learning more about politics, here are some of the most important quotes ever written on the subject.

In the heat of the battle, all internal barriers break down; the puppet bourgeoisie of businessmen and shopkeepers, the urban proletariat, which is always in a privileged position, the lumpen-proletariat of the shanty towns - all fall into line with the stand made by the rural masses, that veritable reservoir of a national revolutionary army; for in those countries where colonialism has deliberately held up development, the peasantry, when it rises, quickly stands out as the revolutionary class. For it knows naked oppression, and suffers far more from it than the workers in the towns, and in order not to die of hunger, it demands no less than a complete demolishing of all existing structures. In order to triumph, the national revolution must be socialist . JeanPaul Sarte
Intelligence and perserverance cannot defeat the purpose of popularity because...
Intelligence and perserverance cannot defeat the purpose of popularity because it can describe a trait of a successful person who is prominent. Saaif Alam
All efforts to make politics aesthetic culminate in one thing,...
All efforts to make politics aesthetic culminate in one thing, war. Walter Benjamin
I regard President Trump as an international terrorist.
I regard President Trump as an international terrorist. Steven Magee
When faced with unbridled wildness of reality, dinosaurs fall into fevered delusions of grandeur. In fits of madness, they recreate the world in their own overblown image, bull-dozing the wild and replacing it with a wasteland that reflects their own emptiness. Where there was once the incredibly complex diversity of nature, there is now the dead simplicity of asphalt and concrete. Curious George Brigade
Despots prefer the friendship of the dog, who, unjustly mistreated and debased, still loves and serves the man who wronged him. Charles Fourier
You sanctimonious philistines, who scoff at me! What has your politics fed onsince you've been ruling the world? On butchery and murder! Charles De Coster