17 Quotes About Personality

The complex and diverse personalities we have as human beings are the things which make us so unique and special. We all have different ways of thinking, behaving and even feeling, but they come together as one wonderful whole. And as such, it is important to understand how we came to be the way we are, and what we can do with it. Being able to recognize and appreciate our personalities is an important step in personal growth.

â€â€¹Everything that makes you, you, is a biologically existential expression...
â€â€¹Everything that makes you, you, is a biologically existential expression of your entire brain. Abhijit Naskar
If you want the world to know how truly beautiful...
If you want the world to know how truly beautiful you are, love everyone. Matshona Dhliwayo
We might respect a serious person with an austere and...
We might respect a serious person with an austere and rigid personality, but we adore merry, kindhearted, and artistic people. Kilroy J. Oldster
The root of identity crises: we seem to know a lot about ourselves, but we can't tell who we are. Realize your self! Stefan Emunds
Human history is the ancient story of the umbilical conflict between a lone individual versus a cabalistic society. A love-hate relationship defines our personal history with society, where the suppression of individuality for the sake of the collective good battles the notion that the purpose of society is to enable each person to flourish. A conspicuous feature of cultural development involves societies teaching children the sublimation of unacceptable impulses or idealizations, consciously to transform their inappropriate instinctual impulses into socially acceptable actions or behavior. The paradox rest in the concept that in order for any person to flourish they must preserve the spiritual texture of themselves, a process that requires the individual to resist societal restraint, push off against the community, and reject the walls of traditionalism that seek to pen us in. The climatic defining event in a person’s life represents the liberation of the self from crippling conformism, staunchly rebuffing capitulating to the whimsy of the super ego of society. Kilroy J. Oldster
Don’t focus on the action, focus on the mentality behind the action. Analyzing the mentality will help us differentiate between a one-time error and a long-term character flaw. Izey Victoria Odiase
A person begins childhood with a mind that is essentially a blank slate — a tabula rasa — before receiving outside impressions. Early childhood experiences and perceptions begin the formulation of a state of conscious awareness, the infantile steps in forming a personality, developing social and emotional behavior, and acquiring practical and book knowledge. Childhood plays a critical role in forming our final version of a self-concept. Kilroy J. Oldster
Americans share an affinity to establish a distinctive identity and know one’s self in a physiological, psychological, and spiritual sense, and we strive to attain self-actualization, self-realization, and/or bliss. Kilroy J. Oldster
Humankind is an instinctive creature that is capable of feelings and rational thoughts, which accounts for why such a rich diversity exists amongst human nature. A person’s unique personality is simply a crystallization of particular aspects of human nature. Freedom of thought and expression ensures that no person replicates another person’s exact persona. Every person is a creature of predicable needs and impulses, infused with the poetry of multifaceted feelings, and ruled by a scientifically calculated instrument capable of precision of thought. . Kilroy J. Oldster
Our attitudes and personal values create outcomes. The consequence of any venture shapes our evolving ethical precepts, and the product of a sundry of worldly experiences in turn establishes our personality. Kilroy J. Oldster
Don't be nice to me. Be what your personality requires you to be. Be what your nature requires you to be. Be real. Don't pressurize yourself. M. Danish
Don't show arrogance anyone & never let anyone show you Miss 47
As we go through life, we essentially grow a personality. Our personality branches out in many directions to assist us organize our thoughts, feelings, values, ideas, and coping mechanisms. Our exhibited behavior — the way we organize and deal with life — becomes an external representation of our central self. Kilroy J. Oldster
We live by choice and by necessity. We choose the mechanisms that are essential to ensure satisfaction of our baseline survival. What labor we willingly endure in order to meet our minimalistic subsistence requirements and what activities we elect to pursue in order to mollify our desire for living joyfully and attain self-realization defines our essential self’s core personality. Kilroy J. Oldster
Who am i? I'm the one you won't be able to handle. I'm the one who is the other side of the picture. I'm the one who is going to make you question everything you believe. I'm the one whom you can never understand. Ashbeel Roy
You are a book being read every moment, By someone or the other, Though only in parts! But, you are extremely safe, Rather, unfortunate For no one has ever read the entire book! Lukhman Pambra