12 Quotes About Particular

With a big name like that, who could resist the temptation of being on the right side of his/her opinion? However, it’s important to remember that these particular quotes aren’t always the most accurate or up-to-date. Sure, they may express a very strong opinion, but their words should be taken with a grain of salt. Read the below particular quotes for more accurate information and make your own decision.

What discoveries I made in the course of writing stories all begin with the particular, never the general. They are mostly hindsight: arrows that I now find I myself have left behind me, which have shown me some right, or wrong, way I have come. What one story may have pointed out to me is of no avail in the writing of another. But 'avail' is not what I want; freedom ahead is what each story promises - beginning anew. And all the while, as further hindsight has told me, certain patterns in my work repeat themselves without my realizing. There would be no way of knowing this, for during the writing of any single story, there is no other existing. Each writer must find out for himself, I imagine, on what basis he lives with his own stories. . Eudora Welty
Our contempt for any particular poem must be perfect, be total, because only a ruthless reading that allows us to measure the gap between the actual and the virtual will enable to to experience, if not a genuine poem–no such thing–a place for the genuine, whatever that might mean. Ben Lerner
What the hell was that?” he asked no-one in particular. “Did they ram us?”“ Uh — negative, sir.” Marnetti offered, reading an instrumental assessment from his display, “It seems we were hit by some kind of pulse wave generated by their jump.”“ Their jump? — You mean by arriving they nearly killed us?” Marnetti nodded, continuing, “Range 0.5 kilometers, Captain. Holding steady. No recognized weapons activity.”“ Damage report.” He ordered, feeling his way back into his seat, eyes glued to the viewscreen.“ Shield 2 down, 1 is buckling.” Pluddeman choked.“ Power stable, all systems holding steady, ” Marnetti added, now rubbing some bruises.“ Any communications?”“ Nothing, sir. Static on all frequencies.”“ What are they doing?”“ Nothing, sir. Waiting maybe.”“ Waiting, my ass! ” Dayne barked. “They must be sizing us up!. Christina Engela
Praying anywhere" can easily become "praying nowhere", just as "praying anytime" can easily become "praying at no time". Everything in general becomes nothing in particular". Peter Kreeft
God wants you to begin to strategise, plan, draw out tactics, methodologies of how your business would take over that particular sphere of business where you are Sunday Adelaja
Life is not enjoyed by being busy over everything in general, but being passionate about one thing in particular. Always focus on that one thing; dream it and live it! Israelmore Ayivor
I think things are beautiful when you don’t plan them, and you don’t have any expectations, and you’re not trying to get somewhere in particular. Alison Mosshart
After our negotiations were completed, the dome would be imploded and launched toward the nearest black hole, so that none of its atoms would ever contaminate this particular universe again. I thought that last part was overkill. John Scalzi
If you are determined to live life to the full, if you are determined to conquer in life, if you are determined to win in life, if you are determined to soar in life, you must not shy away from this particular demand. Life demands death. Sunday Adelaja
Patriotism is an ephemeral motive that scarcely ever outlasts the particular threat to society that aroused it. Denis Diderot
I'm not someone who feels anger on particular issues. Theresa May