5 Quotes About Pain And Suffer

Life is full of challenges. It can be hard to keep up with the daily demands, let alone find time for ourselves. But we must be strong, and it’s our responsibility to make the most of the situations that arise. Let these quotes about pain and suffering inspire you to rise to the challenge.

Pain avoidance is part of life. A campaign to minimize hunger and lessen pain drives us to develop systems that will provide us with nourishing food and protective shelter. Pain is a trickster. It can send us true or false signals that confine us to our beds or spur us to roam long and far. Pain has a lifesaving function. Pain can signal us to implement evasive action or attack our problems head-on. Pain has a putative role. Pain can torture us for engaging in careless deeds. Pain performs a restorative role. Pain can tell us when we must rest. Pain is tutor and a healer. Pain implores us to take heed of our physical and mental infirmities, urges us to call out for help, and compels us to adopt modified strategies. Kilroy J. Oldster
It is never easy to endure pain nor uncomfortable situation. It is seems easy to quit to avoid the pain. If you quit you will suffer later. It is far better to endure the pain now and enjoy later. Life is all about endurance. Lailah Gifty Akita
I am enduring temporary sufferings to fulfill my dearest dreams. Lailah Gifty Akita
Then, I feel it; it was a hot that was like a burning sword, fine, slicing my skin in pieces, and not even my jacket could protect me from the hot. Then it goes, as unexpected like it came, lifting dirt from the floor and a smell I remember, metal, and the only thing it could be: blood. Ana Plascencia