3 Quotes About Overdue

With the holidays coming up, you might find yourself stressed. Stressed about what? Stressed out! Don’t let your stresses overwhelm you this holiday season. Instead, take a look at the best overdue quotes to remind you of all the good things in your life. Nobody can take away your worries, but it is possible to look at them with an open mind and see them for what they are Read more

Everyone has issues, but that doesn’t mean you have to dwell on them. It just means that people have problems too. So take a deep breath, tell yourself that everything will be okay, and keep moving forward.

Any religion which demands death for other people is itself...
Any religion which demands death for other people is itself worthy of nothing less than it expects for others. In fact, it is probably long overdue. Christina Engela
This is overdue. Quite a bit, I'm afraid. I apologize. We moved to Topeka when I was very small, and Mother accidentally packed it up with the linens. I have traveled a long way to return it, and I know the fine must be large, but I have no money. As it is a book of fairy tales, I thought payment of a first-born child would be acceptable. I always loved the library. I'm sure she'll be happy there. Ellen Klages