6 Quotes About Otma

The internet can be a great resource for finding out new things, information, and inspiration. But there’s often a lot of stuff on the web that can make you feel confused or overwhelmed. So much information, so much to learn! While it may seem impossible to read everything, there are actually some great quotes to help you filter out the noise and improve your understanding of the world. In this collection of quotes, you’ll find inspiration for everything from learning more to improving your health.

I'll pretend, I tell myself. Pretending is safer than believing.
I'll pretend, I tell myself. Pretending is safer than believing. Sarah Miller
My sisters and I sit together on a pair of suitcases. If we've forgotten anything, it's already too late -- our rooms have all been sealed and photographed. Anyway, Tatiana would say it's bad luck to return for something you've forgotten. Sarah Miller
It's different now, like pushing the stop lever on my...
It's different now, like pushing the stop lever on my camera until nothing except the war can squeeze through the lens. Sarah Miller
Maria cries unashamedly on my shoulder while I whisper and pet her cheek, but Anastasia grips my other hand and stares fiercely back at our Alexander Palace with her wet blue eyes until it is no more than a lemon-colored speck against the sunrise. Sarah Miller
I wish I wasn't an imperial highness or an ex-grand duchess. I'm sick of people doing things to me because of what I am. Girl-in-white-dress. Short-one-with-fringe. Daughter-of-the-tsar. Child-of-the-ex-tyrant. I want people to look and see me, Anastasia Nikolaevna Romanova, not the caboose on a train of grand duchesses. Someday, I promise myself, no one will be able to hear my name or look at my picture and suppose they know all about me. Someday I will do something bigger than what I am. Sarah Miller