5 Quotes About Obeying God

It’s easy to lose our way. We can forget who we are, what we’re here for, and why we came to earth. It’s easy to lose sight of what is important. But if we continue to trust God, he will lead us back Read more

These quotes about obeying God are great reminders to keep us focused on what is truly important.

Sometimes, after shedding all the loads with the view of making your heavy and sinking boat lighter so that you can sail and move on with the journey of purposeful life, you realize that there is one more thing to offload: disobedience, and there is one more thing to load: absolute faith! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Religion means life. Religion means true service in love to man and God. Religion means what ought to be understood within the confines of the laws of God. Religion means discipline. Religion means uplifting the falling. Religion means caring for they that suffer in latent and understanding why Christ came to die for us. Religion means development and expansion within the scope of the laws of God that safeguards life and protects the creations of the Creator. Religion means understanding what ought to be understood. Religion means understanding trials and why trials come our way, the tenacity to endure to the end and the rightful use of comfort to please God. Religion never means destroying lives. If we understand religion well, we shall know that religion means true love without bitterness. If we understand religion well, we shall know that religion means humility and a true submissive to the will of God. If we understand religion well, we shall know that religion simply means dos and don’ts according to the scope, purpose and the will of God for our lives and not according to our own convictions and how we think things should be. Excessive religiosity is the root cause of contentions in religion. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I read in your Word that the very best kind of pleasure is delighting in doing what you want. Your way is right and good and it brings life. You are pleased when I follow it, because you want the best for me. Amy E. Mason
There is no currency that buys great treasures in Heaven like obedience. Ernest Agyemang Yeboah