10 Quotes About Nuisance

We all have them on some level. But some people’s “nuisances” can be a little worse than others. Sometimes, it takes a little more to get the point across. Whether it’s a headache, a stomach ache, or an uncontrollable urge to snicker, we’ve got you covered with the best funny quotes about annoying things.

In God's garden even the weeds are beautiful. In my garden, I've only got weeds. I think they're a nuisance. Anthony T.Hincks
I turned back looking far away not making contact with anyone and I paced to my room with tears in my eyes, solitude in my heart and nuisance in my mind. I locked my door, rested in bed and slept while still desperate. Shaikh Ashraf
As every good marxist already knows, the ideological shift toward a terminally optimistic humanism was vital to the rise of bourgeoisie, and the decline of aristocracy. Terre Thaemlitz
As with all new inventions, there are upsides and downsides. The commercial drone is no exception. But until robust safeguards have been introduced to protect personal privacy from prying eyes in the skies, the true benefits to society of unmanned aerial vehicles will remain unrealised. Alex Morritt
Most people are so mind-bogglingly aggravating that it's impossible to overreact to them, even if that means killing yourself. Maija Haavisto
A group of us were downtown on Bay Street. It was some twelve to fifteen of us with nothing to do. We had just been in a fight with some Kemp Road fellas. It really wasn’t anything to talk about, because we quickly ran them off Bay Street. Feeling pumped up about what we had just done and looking for more action, we started running in the middle of Bay Street, screaming and shouting ‘Rebellions! ” and ‘Raiders for life! ”, making a real nuisance of ourselves. About nine of us were arrested by the police and charged with public terror and disorderly behavior. So in fact, we were given our gang name by the police, and Milton Street became known as the Public Terrorist Rebellions. Galen ‘Ninja’ Nordelus former leader of the Public Terrorist Rebellions through Milton Street. Drexel Deal
I am more and more convinced that some people are put in our lives solely to try our patience and tamper with our tolerance levels. Richelle E. Goodrich
Jesus, what a nuisance it was, being desperate to stay alive. George Alec Effinger
It's always funny that you can try and try again to steal all your critics' ammo, predict their responses, but no matter what, they'll still have a water gun stashed somewhere. Criss Jami