11 Quotes About Noticed

You can’t accomplish anything without a plan. And you can’t have a plan unless you have a goal. And you can’t have a goal unless you know where you want to go. If you’re looking for motivation, motivation is all around us Read more

If you think about it, we’re constantly motivated by goals and dreams. We all have things we want to accomplish in life, whether it be pursuing one of our passions, making someone else happy, or just doing something different for ourselves. These motivational quotes will remind you that every day is an opportunity to make your dreams come true.

Think of yourself as a brand. You need to be remembered. What will they remember you for? What defines you? If you have it in you, do something that defines you. Invent something, develop a unique skill, get noticed for something – it creates a talking point. Chris Arnold
If people notice you only when you do something very...
If people notice you only when you do something very strange, then you are very lucky! You can enjoy your life without being noticed as long as you don’t do anything very strange! Mehmet Murat Ildan
Controversy is a last resort for the talentless. Criss Jami
There is immense power in an idea, because it unites people. It motivates them toward change. But the real power lies in their unity, in coming together — if enough can be rallied to a cause, no matter how ridiculous, it will be seen and heard. A.J. Darkholme
I have noticed a trend in premature deaths in the people that I know and the presence of streetlights outside of their homes. Steven Magee
I have noticed over the past three years that most African Christians depend on their pastor or preachers for directions in life than their lecturers, politicians and nurses. That tells why most people refuse certain medical priorities with regards to their pastor's messages. I think if every pastor should have entrepreneurial knowledge coupled with spiritual integrity, Africa will shake! Israelmore Ayivor
I have noticed that the solar radiation reflections from rippled privacy windows cause greatly accelerated growth patterns in plants Steven Magee
I operate under the assumption that people don't notice the good in me. That's just how things always seem to play out. I get blamed, while con-artist kids like Venus, and Camille, and Gemma get believed. But the rescue lady noticed. In the background, just observing, she noticed. Wendelin Van Draanen
That's the thing, though. You always think you want to be noticed. Until you are Sarah Dessen
I noticed the people who drove the nicest cars were all in the garment business. Do Won Chang