3 Quotes & Sayings By Do Won Chang

Do Won Chang is a distinguished businessman, author, and philanthropist. Chang began his business career in Manhattan in 1972 with the management of real estate investments. He was so successful in this business that he became known locally as "Mr. Manhattan". In 1975, Chang co-founded Venture Capital Bank in Seoul Read more

It was the first bank to be sponsored by the government, which was seeking an investment partner for Korea's fledgling financial industry. The bank grew to become one of the largest financial institutions in South Korea with total assets of over $1 billion in 1998. In 1982, Chang founded Pacific Century Group (PCG), a holding company for companies engaged in real estate development and sales.

Through PCG, he became one of the most influential figures in Korean business circles. In 1988, he founded Pacific Century & Investment Corporation (PCIC), a private equity firm specializing in venture capital investments with total assets over $2 billion. PCIC is among South Korea's most successful venture capital funds with more than 30 investments to its credit across a wide range of industries including information technology, telecommunications, retail, transportation, life insurance, energy and chemicals sectors.

Chang has also served on numerous corporate boards since 1984 including Daewoo Electronics Corporation (1988–1991), Samsung Electronics (1992–1996) and LG International (2001–2006). He is currently on the board of directors at Kia Motors Corporation and POSCO. Chang has received numerous honors for his work including the Order of Merit from the Government of France (1986), Order of Friendship from Russia (1996) and Order for Spirit of Independence from South Korea (2002).

He is also an honorary member of Mensa International. Chang received his bachelor's degree from Kyung Hee University and received his MBA from Harvard Business School's Advanced Management Program.

I have in the past overly trusted people and was, in turn, let down by some. Since then, I have learned the difference between putting faith into people and blindly trusting them. Do Won Chang
I noticed the people who drove the nicest cars were all in the garment business. Do Won Chang