3 Quotes About Not Right

You should never settle for anything less than your best, and certainly not something that someone else wants to give you. How many great opportunities have you turned down because you weren’t interested in the other person, the job, or the lifestyle? It’s likely that you’ve missed out on some amazing things. If you want to avoid missing out on even more wonderful experiences, read the collection of not right quotes below and start taking control of your life.

You know how there are words that never really–they are never really quite right. You can't quite trust them. Use them. You know. Without p Emma Richler
They were as different as honesty and truth, but it takes experience to see the dissimilarities. Rocky was friendly, outgoing and boisterous; Charger was sullen, withdrawn and paranoid. Rocky liked people; Charger didn't. Rocky could trust; Charger didn't know the meaning of the word. Joel M. McMains