8 Quotes About Nostalgia

Nostalgia is a powerful emotion. In fact, it’s one that can be enjoyed in even the most mundane of situations. There are certain things from our past that we remember fondly, and our ability to connect to those emotions is a sign of a healthy heart and a relaxed mind. So whether you’re stuck in the past, looking back on your life with fondness or have experienced a moment of nostalgia, take a moment to honor those memories with this great collection of nostalgia quotes.

You can miss places. You can miss people. Just know that what you’re really missing is the way things were. And even if you could go there again…. see them again…. you can’t go back. They’re not the same. You’re not the same. The loss of them changed you. Ranata Suzuki
Looking at old photographs inundates you with a flood of...
Looking at old photographs inundates you with a flood of nostalgic emotions! And you can't be sure where you want to swim in the deluge of memories! Avijeet Das
Nostalgia can be more painful than a surgeon's knife. Anurag Shourie
Nostalgia, she knew, has the power to make you smile and also to make you cry. Swati Kumar
Home is where you feel more welcome, more secure, have more rights, where you are loved. This place can be any place even away from what you would normally call home. Bangambiki Habyarimana
Now memories have an unusual way of coming back to you in the middle of a day. Avijeet Das
Nostalgia. It haunts us, it destroys us, and sometimes, its sentimentality consumes us piece by piece so that we may realize our once-familiar circumstance may never again return. It is a state of mind best indulged infrequently. Bryant A. Loney