13 Quotes About Nickname

Nicknames are a funny thing. They can be used to show affection, to show familiarity, or to simply make people feel like they’re part of the group. And since they are so personal, nicknames can have a lot of power. Think about some of the nicknames you’ve heard over the years, and how they made you feel Read more

Then, think about what nickname you would give your best friend…or your new crush. What nickname would you use to describe yourself? And finally, what new nickname would you give an acquaintance? These quotes will inspire you to come up with something truly unique for each person in your life…and then use it!

Because I’ve got a lot more terms of endearment to use. Honey pie. Sugarplum. Bread pudding."“ Why are they all high-calorie foods? Richelle Mead
Could you just call me Pigeon?” he asked the teacher when she read his name.“ Does your mother call you Pigeon?”“No.”“Then to me you are Paul.”...“Nathan Sutter, ” the teacher read.“ My mother never calls me Nathan.”“Is it Nate?”“She calls me Honeylips. Brandon Mull
Most of us have nicknames–annoying, endearing, embarrassing. But what about your true name? to respond when called. Ever wonder why?. Vera Nazarian
They call me, The Sharkalator
They call me, The Sharkalator James Patterson
By now the crusaders had christened the most powerful French catapult 'Mal Voisine', or 'Bad Neighbour', while nicknaming the Muslim stone-thrower that targeted it for conter-bombardment 'Mal Cousine', or 'Bad Relation'. Thomas Asbridge
That's you, " Wrath said. You shall be called the Black Dagger warrior Dhestroyer, descended of Wrath son of Wrath.""But you'll always be Butch to us, " Rhage cut in. "As well as hard-ass. Smart-ass. Royal pain in the ass. You know, whatever the situation calls for. I think as long as there's an ASS in there, it'll be accurate."" How about b A S Stard?" Z suggested." Nice. I feel that. J.r. Ward
Most of us have nicknames–annoying, endearing, embarrassing. But what about your true Vera Nazarian
Sooo, I'm tired of people thinking I'm a freak. I know you can't relate to that but -""Get over it already, will ya?" Candace stood. "You're not Smellody anymore. You're pretty. You can get hot guys now. Tanned ones with good vision. Not geeky hose jousters." She shut the window. "Don't you ever want to use your lips as something other than veneer protectors?" Melody felt a familiar pinch behind her eyes. Her throat dried. Her eyes burned. And then they came. Like salty little paratroopers, tears descended en masse. She hated Candace thought she had never made out with a boy. But how could she convince a seventeen-year-old with more dates than a fruitcake that Randy the Starbucks cashier (aka Scarbucks, because of his acne scars) was a great kisser? She couldn't. Lisi Harrison
Mocho was a Spanish word that meant maimed or referred to something that had been lopped off like a stump. To call Homer el mocho was, essentially, to call him "Stumpy" or "the maimed one." It doesn't sound particularly flattering, but among Spanish speakers the giving of nicknames is tantamount to a declaration of love. Things that would sound insulting outright in English were tokens of deep affection when said in Spanish. Gwen Cooper
Majority of people prefer a good name to a bad name, but to me, anyone can call me anything, as long as it is not written on my face. Michael Bassey Johnson
...you definitely are deep water Dr. Fisher. Fathoms deep. J.M. Richards
Will had been taken aback in his confrontation with Arisaka to discover that his name- Chocho- meant "Butterfly".. He was puzzled to know why they had selected it. His friends, of course, delighted in helping him guess the reason.' I assume it's because you're such a snazzy dresser, ' Evanlyn said. 'You Rangers are a riot of color, after all.'..' I think it might be more to do with the way he raced around the training ground, darting here and there to correct the way a man might be holding his shield, then dashing off to show someone how to put their body weight into their javelin cast, ' said Horace, a little more sympathetically. Then he ruined the effect by adding thoughtlessly, 'I must say, your cloak did flutter around like a butterfly's wings. John Flanagan