13 Quotes About Nervousness

Whether you’re a little nervous about a big event or just getting over a bad day, these quotes about being nervous will help you laugh it off and move forward. Nervousness can feel like a burden, but it’s part of the human experience. Because we’re all still learning how to be ourselves, we can feel anxious about things we’ve never done before or things we haven’t thought about enough. No matter how nervous we may feel, we can learn to lessen our feelings and enjoy life more.

When they got to their hotel she went straight up to bed, but he paused to get a drink. There was, in the vestibule, a flower stall and he bought a handful of roses, stiffly wired into a bouquet, before proceeding to the oppressive gorgeousness of their bridal suite. The lift was lined with looking glass, so that as he shot upwards he got an endlessly duplicated version of himself, stout and nervous, a light cloak flung over his shoulder and flowers in his hand: an infinitely long row of gentlemen carrying offerings to an unforgiving past. Margaret Kennedy
The silence was worse than the gunshots. The wait worse...
The silence was worse than the gunshots. The wait worse than the confusion. The forebode worsethan any danger. Willowy Whisper
Many people would have to hang by their teeth from a frayed cord suspended by a paper clip from a leaking hot air balloon over the Grand Canyon in order to feel what I feel standing on the third step of a stepladder trying to put millet in the bird feeder. Unknown
Confidence is what we get when we take fear, face it and replace it. Tim Fargo
Worry wasn’t an emotion to which he was particularly accustomed–and it worried him. Sol Luckman
I thought if I didnt take a break, I would do something even worse. Like yell or hang up the phone. Stephen Chbosky
I think it’s glorious to be nervous. Being nervous is great! How often do we get nervous on a daily basis? Being slightly nervous means you care, and you’re alive, and you’re taking some kind of risk. Hooray for being nervous! A friend told me to substitute the word ‘excitement’ for ‘nervous’. That way you acknowledge the physical feelings without putting a negative spin on things. So to answer your question, sometimes I still get so excited about ‘Update’ that I want to throw up . Amy Poehler
When you have butterflies and you’re feeling anxious and you have anxiety or are nervous, that’s when you’re most powerful.. A lot of people, instead of honing this power and using it, they allow it to just consume them. There’s another quote that says, ‘A big challenge, a big pressure is like a fire, it’s like a raging fire. Either you can allow this fire to consume you and just take you over completely, or you can gain control of this fire and harness it and you blow it right at your opponent, Dragonball Z style.’ That’s what I’m trying to do, trying to get my emotions under control and use this adrenaline to my advantage. . Jon Jones
For one, dazzling, infinite moment, August felt like he was standing on a precipice, the end of one world and the beginning of another, a whisper and a bang. Victoria Schwab
When you're betting for tiles in an archery contest, you shoot with skill. When you're betting for fancy belt buckles, you worry about your aim. And when you're betting for real gold, you're a nervous wreck. Your skill is the same in all three cases - but because one prize means more to you than another, you let outside considerations weigh on your mind. He who looks too hard at the outside gets clumsy on the inside. Zhuangzi
When presented with a member of the opposite sex, some of us get numbers and some of us throw up. Daria Snadowsky
Nervousness always provokes mistakes, and mistakes lead to easy convictions. S.R. Ford