8 Quotes About Natural Law

It’s hard to predict the future, even for the most brilliant. In the same way, we can’t know the exact effects our choices will have on the world hundreds of years from now. Still, we can make educated guesses about how things will likely turn out. The law of non-contradiction is a fundamental principle of logic and philosophy that states that a thing cannot be simultaneously A and not-A Read more

For instance, a tree cannot be both a tree and not a tree at the same time. In this sense, it can be said that all things must eventually end up in one state or another. This is the law of nature.

Knowing this, you can rest assured that nothing lasting can last forever.

The early dew-falls that did a pristine coating, over the...
The early dew-falls that did a pristine coating, over the woods with its finest transparency, glazed as like its wet white-glassy earrings that hung on the ears of wild flowers–unlatched my fancy. Nithin Purple
Most of those who have written about the Affects, and men’s way of living, seem to treat, not of natural things, which follow the common laws of nature, but of things that are outside nature. Indeed they seem to conceive man in nature as a dominion within a dominion. For they believe that man disturbs, rather than follows, the order of nature, that he has absolute power over his actions, and that he is determined only by himself. Baruch Spinoza
I shall treat the nature and power of the Affects, and the power of the Mind over them, by the same Method by which, in the preceding parts, I treated God and the Mind, and I shall consider human actions and appetites just as if it were a Question of lines, planes, and bodies. Baruch Spinoza
Man is a product of nature, a part of the Universe. The Universe is operated under exact natural laws. Man is a product of millions of years of evolution. He adapts himself to the laws of nature or he perishes. James Hervey Johnson
[On Gottfried Wilhelm Leibniz]The answer is unknowable, but it may not be unreasonable to see him, at least in theological terms, as essentially a deist. He is a determinist: there are no miracles (the events so called being merely instances of infrequently occurring natural laws); Christ has no real role in the system; we live forever, and hence we carry on after our deaths, but then everything – every individual substance – carries on forever. Peter Loptson
One may deal with things without love...but you cannot deal with men without it... It cannot be otherwise, because natural love is the fundamental law of human life. Leo Tolstoy
The history of atomism is one of reductionism — the effort to reduce all the operations of nature to a small number of laws governing a small number of primordial objects. Leon M. Lederman