12 Quotes About Nanny

The best and most successful nannies work harder than their employers. Family dynamics and the child's needs are the top priority for a good nanny, and to do this job successfully they must be able to adapt to the needs of each family. The following quotes will help those looking for a nanny motivate them keep up with the pace of their job, as well as teach them how to find a nanny that will suit them best.

I was glad to be made awarethat “Veimke” (jeune fille...
I was glad to be made awarethat “Veimke” (jeune fille au pair), is subject to natural law, and can be made fat, by such things as poor diet, and alcohol. Roman Payne
She was very ugly - the ugliest person you ever saw in your life! Her hair was scraped into a bun, sticking straight out at the back of her head like a teapot handle; and her face was round and wrinkly, and she had eyes like two little black boot-buttons. And her nose! - she had a nose like two potatoes. She wore a rusty black dress right up to the top of her neck and right down to her button boots, and a rusty black jacket and a rusty black bonnet, all trimmed with trembly black jet, with her teapot-handled of a bun sticky out at the back. And she carried a small brown case and a large black stick, and she had a very fierce expression indeed on her wrinkly, round, brown face. But what you noticed most of all was that she had one huge front Tooth, sticking right out like a tombstone over her lower lip. You never, in the whole of your life, ever saw such a Tooth! . Christianna Brand
Good evening, children, ' Said Nurse Matilda, and she gave a loud thump on the floor with her big black stick. 'I am Nurse Matilda. Christianna Brand
The Agency was doubtful, because they had already sent a lot of nurses and nannies and governesses to Mr. and Mrs. Brown's family. 'The person you want, ' they said, 'is Nurse Matilda. Christianna Brand
And as they spoke - lo and behold! - there was a knock at the door, and there stood a small, stout figure dressed in rusty black; and she said, 'Good evening, Mr and Mrs Brown, I am Nurse Matilda. Christianna Brand
Without you, I’m not me. Something inside that I didn’t even know about is broken without you. Roxanne Snopek
It’s about showing someone you care for them, wanting them to care for you, doing things they like because you want them to be happy. Because their happiness makes you happy. That’s love, Dane. That’s how you’ll win…your daughter over. Roxanne Snopek
Love comes in seemingly insignificant moments and if you’re not paying attention, you might miss them. Roxanne Snopek
Once his life had been like this. He applied strength and determination to a messy problem until the stickiness went away, strands of sense formed and suddenly a hopeless mess was transformed into something beautiful, delectable, something everyone wanted. Now, no matter how hard he tried, no one wanted what he had to offer. Roxanne Snopek
I tell Esther she should ease up on lard. There's no need to mix lard in with Scottie's rice, chicken, and beans. I tell her she hasn't read the blogs. I've read the blogs. I know what Scottie should eat. Kaui Hart Hemmings
What I'm trying to say, Brooke Overland, is that I want to be your nanny." That's seriously the most romantic thing I've ever heard in my life. C.M. Stunich