3 Quotes About Nami

Sometimes, you just need a little reminder of what your true purpose in life is. Take it from the wise words of Nami; Life has its ups and downs. The ups are worth it for their own sake, but the downs are more important to learn from. We learn more from our mistakes than our successes, and the same goes for relationships Read more

When things aren’t going well in your relationship, don’t panic! Just take a step back, take some time to reflect, and consider why these things might be happening. Then take some time to make some changes that will make both of you happier in the long run.

There comes a time in your life when you can no longer put off choosing. You have to choose one path or the other. You can live safe and be protected by people just like you, or you can stand up and be a leader for what is right. Always, remember this: People never remember the crowd; they remember the one person that had the courage to say and do what no one would do. Shannon L. Alder
What good is treasure if I'm alone? After sharing so much of our dreams instead of sacrificing them and leaving with you. I would rather have nothing at all! Nami