11 Quotes About Motorcycle

My parents won’t let me have a motorcycle, but they give me all the guns I want. I asked them for a motorcycle last Christmas and they told me I’d only kill myself. They got me this twelve-gauge instead. Scott Thompson
They say that when people still rode on vehicles powered by oil, they could go anywhere they wanted. Yoshiyuki Sadamoto
Bill arrives with a grin about something. Sure, he's got some jets for my machine and knows right were they are. I'll have to wait a second though. He's got to close a deal out in back on some Harley parts. I go with him out in a shed in back and see he is selling a whole Harley machine in used parts, except for the frame, which the customer already has. He is selling them all for $125. Not a bad price at all. Coming back I comment, "He'll know something about motorcycles before he gets those together." Bill laughs. "And that's the best way to learn, too. Robert M. Pirsig
Riding that ridge between reason and recklessness, stillness and speed, is the first, maybe the most important, thing I learned about motorcycles. Lily BrooksDalton
They say life is a highway and we all travel our own roads, some good, some bad, yet each is a blessing of its own. Jess Chief Brynjulson
Can I have a motorcycle when I get old enough?"" If you take care of it."" What do you have to do?"" Lot's of things. You've been watching me."" Will you show me all of them?"" Sure."" Is it hard?"" Not if you have the right attitudes. It's having the right attitudes that's hard."" Oh." After a while I see he is sitting down again. Then he says, "Dad?""What?""Will I have the right attitudes?"" I think so, " I say. "I don't think that will be any problem at all. Robert M. Pirsig
There is no perfectly shaped part of the motorcycle and never will be, but when you come as close as these instruments take you, remarkable things happen, and you go flying across the countryside under a power that would be called magic if it were not so completely rational in every way. Robert M. Pirsig
I talked yesterday about caring, I care about these moldy old riding gloves. I smile at them flying through the breeze beside me because they have been there for so many years and are so old and so tired and so rotten there is something kind of humorous about them. They have become filled with oil and sweat and dirt and spattered bugs and now when I set them down flat on a table, even when they are not cold, they won't stay flat. They've got a memory of their own. They cost only three dollars and have been restitched so many times it is getting impossible to repair them, yet I take a lot of time and pains to do it anyway because I can't imagine any new pair taking their place. That is impractical, but practicality isn't the whole thing with gloves or with anything else. Robert M. Pirsig
We are all a little damaged, Bee. Some of us more than others. T.M. Frazier
A motorcycle is a vehicle of change, after all. It puts the wheels beneath a midlife crisis, or a coming-of-age saga, or even just the discovery of something new, something you didn't realize was there. It provides the means to cross over, to transition, or to revitalize; motorcycles are self-discovery's favorite vehicle. Lily BrooksDalton