48 Quotes About Emotional Intelligence

The ability to understand and manage your emotions is a crucial skill for success. If you could only master one thing, it should be your ability to manage yourself. Here are the top emotional intelligence quotes to help you develop the skills needed to live a happier life.

Be patient. Your skin took a while to deteriorate. Give it some time to reflect a calmer inner state. As one of my friends states on his Facebook profile: "The true Losers in Life, are not those who Try and Fail, but those who Fail to Try. Jess C. Scott
When our emotional health is in a bad state, so is our level of self-esteem. We have to slow down and deal with what is troubling us, so that we can enjoy the simple joy of being happy and at peace with ourselves. Jess C. Scott
Don't live the same day over and over again and...
Don't live the same day over and over again and call that a life. Life is about evolving mentally, spiritually, and emotionally. Germany Kent
Most fights originate as a consequence of blaming others for one's own emotional issues. Assuming responsibility for these emotions will most likely make the relationship a healthy and balanced one. Boundaries help foster the wellbeing of one's mental health and self-esteem. German Muhlenberg
All hurt is founded on attachment to anything regardless of...
All hurt is founded on attachment to anything regardless of its nature. When we detach we vibrationally send ourselves back into the flow of life. Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
There is within the human heart a quality of intelligence...
There is within the human heart a quality of intelligence which has been known to surpass that attributed to the human mind. Aberjhani
All your thoughts, imagination, feelings, emotions and sensation are part...
All your thoughts, imagination, feelings, emotions and sensation are part of the mechanical process that can be understood, at the state of self-realization. Roshan Sharma
The glorification of hatred is predicated on a foundation of...
The glorification of hatred is predicated on a foundation of fear-induced ignorance venomous to haters and those they believe they hate. Aberjhani
As more and more artificial intelligence is entering into the world, more and more emotional intelligence must enter into leadership. Amit Ray
When manipulation flutters around everywhere, neither pull nor push anyone. Just do one thing - don't trust anyone! Ashish Patel
I look forward to the day when business is less about being busy and more about being of service. When Houses of Cards, become Houses of Hearts. We can no longer afford to squander our passion on cold economics. It is time to reclaim our most valuable commodity and devote it to what’s right. Devote it to concern & creation. To meaningful encounters & purpose-bound experiences. May we no longer do business, but build places of thriving instead; ruled by one truth only ~ the wisdom of our hearts. . Ina Catrinescu
The only way to change someone's mind is to connect with them from the heart. Rasheed Ogunlaru
In retrospect, I would have to recommend against epiphanies. They are difficult on an emotional level, and they also sometimes move you to foolish and inopportune acts, which was what happened in my case. Peter David
The human mind and what we've achieved with it is remarkable. But it does not come close to what we can do, be, see and heal with our hearts Rasheed Ogunlaru
It is not difficult for an unwise mother quite unintentionally to centre the heterosexual feelings of a young son upon herself, and it is true that, if this is done, the evil consequences pointed out by Freud will probably ensue. This is, however, much less likely to occur if the mother's sexual life is satisfying to her, for in that case she will not look to her child for a type of emotional satisfaction which ought to be sought only from adults. The parental impulse in its purity is an impulse to care for the young, not to demand affection from them, and if a woman is happy in her sexual life she will abstain spontaneously from all improper demands for emotional response from her child. Bertrand Russell
To develop emotional and erotic intelligence we need to practice enlarging our inner passion at every moment. It doesn’t matter what’s going on in our world, or even how we feel about ourselves in the moment. In fact, the best time to accomplishing something may be when we least feel like trying, because the hopeless part of ourselves most needs the light. Alexandra Katehakis
Everything you perceive, externally, is the manifestation of some internal part of you. If it was not, it would not be present in your perceived reality. Tony Warrick
The key to achieving desired results and gaining freedom from unwanted feelings lies within you. Maddy Malhotra
Running a marathon with a backpack is tough and may hinder you from winning the race. Don’t let the baggage from your past - heavy with fear, guilt, and anger - slow you down. Maddy Malhotra
Highly sensitive people are too often perceived as weaklings or damaged goods. To feel intensely is not a symptom of weakness, it is the trademark of the truly alive and compassionate. It is not the empath who is broken, it is society that has become dysfunctional and emotionally disabled. There is no shame in expressing your authentic feelings. Those who are at times described as being a 'hot mess' or having 'too many issues' are the very fabric of what keeps the dream alive for a more caring, humane world. Never be ashamed to let your tears shine a light in this world. Anthon St. Maarten
Who knows? Life may just be a Positive Conspiracy bent on putting us in the right place at the right time every living, breathing moment of the day. It just takes a certain kind of perspective to see this. Realizing this can put our "analyzer" on hold, our interpretive mind on "ga-ga" and our hearts on breathless. Antero Alli
No matter what we do, each instant contains infinite choices. What we choose to think, to say or to hear creates what we feel in the present moment, it conditions the quality of our communication and in the end the quality of our everyday life. Beliefs and attitudes are made of thoughts. Negative thoughts can be changed and by doing so we create for ourselves more pleasant inner states and have a different impact on the people around us. Dorotea Brandin
You can't hack your destiny, brute force...you need a back door, a side channel into Life. Clyde DeSouza
Travelling in other’s shoes is a complex process. Everyone carries loads of inherited virtues and then, heaps of experience acquired while travelling their own exclusive path of life. One’s personality, particularly the way one thinks, beholds both inborn traits and learned knowledge. Unless one is born to the same parents as the other, exactly at same time, beholding same blend of inherent traits and travelled the same path the other has travelled so far–a biological and pragmatic impossibility–it is imprudent to claim having knowledge of other’s thought process. One’s uniqueness is not constrained to the physical form, but is pertinent, too, to intellectual, emotional and spiritual forms. Hari Parameshwar
The chaos around you is none of your business: your business is how you feel about it. Dr. Jacinta Mpalyenkana
Believe in what makes you Healthy, because everything else is just garbage. Unknown
Emotion has its place, but it must not interfere with taking the appropriate action. Susan OakeyBaker
Not until you change your lens, true beauty shall always look ugly to you! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
It's amazing how once the mind is free of emotional pollution, logic and clarity emerge. Clyde DeSouza
When you have an open mind and you're flexible....not married to your beliefs, you can see clearly because you're able to feel and remain neutral at the same time. You're curious. Dana Gore
If you fail to know how to move with people without emotional discipline, you shall surely become the color of their emotions whenever they go beyond the boundaries of their emotions to display the real and true color of their emotions Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Our feelings are not there to be cast out or conquered. They’re there to be engaged and expressed with imagination and intelligence. T.K. Coleman
Emotional versatility is the art of making peace with the entire emotional spectrum by honing your capacity to channel various feelings along creative and constructive lines. It is not about controlling or condemning your feelings. It's about conducting your feelings in a self-edifying way. T.K. Coleman
I’ve always thought that the best moments can come from the worst times. Carla H. Krueger
The more we practice mindfulness the more we understand the emotional dynamics of the self and others. Mindful emotions can create a positive climate leading to better outcomes. Amit Ray
Poor feeling hijacks thinking for self-deception: to hide harsh truths, avoid action, evade responsibility, and, as the existentialists might put it, flee from freedom. Thus, poor feeling is a kind of moral failing, indeed, the deepest kind, and virtue principally consists in correcting and refining our emotions and the values that they reflect. To feel the right thing is to do the right thing, without any particular need for conscious thought or effort. Neel Burton
Will is intention favored by emotions. Raheel Farooq
Yet, it's our emotions and imperfections that makes us human. Clyde DeSouza
When the weeks have built up with frustration and immense stress and one of your co-workers, a manager or an employee triggers irritation or angers you, knowing how to respond in a mindful way can pay huge dividends. Knowing how to not take other people’s emotional baggage personally and intuitively sensing when to bring up concerns and when not to is an expression of emotional intelligence. This is all possible if we are being truly mindful. Christopher Dines
When you have the reasons, reason! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
Buddha is our inherent nature–our buddha nature–and what that means is that if you’re going to grow up fully, the way that it happens is that you begin to connect with the intelligence that you already have. It’s not like some intelligence that’s going to be transplanted into you. If you’re going to be fully mature, you will no longer be imprisoned in the childhood feeling that you always need to protect yourself or shield yourself because things are too harsh. If you’re going to be a grown-up–which I would define as being completely at home in your world no matter how difficult the situation–it’s because you will allow something that’s already in you to be nurtured. You allow it to grow, you allow it to come out, instead of all the time shielding it and protecting it and keeping it buried. Someone once told me, “When you feel afraid, that’s ‘fearful buddha.’” That could be applied to whatever you feel. Maybe anger is your thing. You just go out of control and you see red, and the next thing you know you’re yelling or throwing something or hitting someone. At that time, begin to accept the fact that that’s “enraged buddha.” If you feel jealous, that’s “jealous buddha.” If you have indigestion, that’s “buddha with heartburn.” If you’re happy, “happy buddha”; if bored, “bored buddha.” In other words, anything that you can experience or think is worthy of compassion; anything you could think or feel is worthy of appreciation. Unknown
We live in an adolescent society, Neverland, where never growing up seems more the norm than the exception. Little boys wearing expensive suits and adult bodies should not be allowed to run big corporations. They shouldn’t be allowed to run governments, armies, religions, small businesses and charities either and just quietly, they make pretty shabby husbands and fathers too. Mankind has become Pankind and whilst “lost boys” abound, there is also an alarming increase in the number of “lost girls. . Daniel Prokop
Shift your attention, and your emotion shifts. Shift your emotion, and your attention shifts. Frederick Dodson
It can be proven that wounded people wound others. Walk circumspectly among wounded people, their injuries are deeply submerged in their brain's amygdala, and without the time-tested practice of emotional intelligence, you might find yourself scarred by association. Give your associations time to reveal their emotional intelligence or lack thereof; employers measure their associates seasonally, quarterly, and or annually; but ask yourself the question: (Q) WHY haven't you? . Tracey Bond
Derived from the Greek word “em” (in) and “pathos” (feeling), the term “empath” refers to a person who is able to “feel into” the feelings of others. Mateo Sol
As empaths, one of the quickest ways to completely losing our grounding in reality is by deferring our needs and wants in relationships. Mateo Sol
When the management iceberg is shaped like a huge phallus, you know that there are a lot of tossers that the top penguin has had to climb over to reach the tip and that there is no shortage of the same caliber of penguin in the balls and shaft of the corporation, just waiting for their chance to get a spurt to the top. Should I sugar coat this a little more? or tell it like it is? Daniel Prokop