6 Quotes About Moralist

We live in a world where moralists are everywhere. It’s difficult to stay away from their words of advice or understand what they are saying. Few people think they have the moral authority to pass judgment on others, but many people rely on them for guidance. When it comes to morality, most people think they have good ideas Read more

But is this really true? Are the moralists really the ones who have the best ideas? Read on to find out more about these thoughts and opinions of morality and see if you agree.

Truth has nothing to do with the conclusion, and everything...
Truth has nothing to do with the conclusion, and everything to do with the methodology. Stefan Molyneux
It follows that the one thing we should not do to the men and women of past time, and particularly if they ghost through to us as larger than life, is to take them out of their historical contexts. To do so is to run the risk of turning them into monsters, whom we can denounce for our (frequently political) motives–an insidious game, because we are condemning in their make-up that which is likely to belong to a whole social world, the world that helped to fashion them and that is deviously reflected or distorted in them. Censure of this sort is the work of petty moralists and propagandists, not historians (p. 5). . Lauro Martines
Too many moralists begin with a dislike of reality. Clarence Day Jr.
Malice is a greater magnifying-glass than kindness. George Savile Halifax
My unlucky star had destined me to be born when there was much talk about morality and, at the same time, more murders than in any other period. There is, undoubtedly, some connection between these phenomena. I sometime ask myself whether the connection was a priori, since these babblers are cannibals from the start - or a connection a posteriori, since they inflate themselves with their moralizing to a height which becomes dangerous for others. However that may be, I was always happy to meet a person who owed his touch of common sense and good manners to his parents and who didn't need big principles. I do not claim more for myself, and I am a man who for an entire lifetime has been moralized at to the right and the left - by teachers and superiors, by policemen and journalists, by Jews and Gentiles, by inhabitants of the Alps, of islands, and the plains, by cut-throats and aristocrats - all of whom looked as if butter wouldn't melt in their mouths. Unknown