33 Quotes About Mistrust

When trust is broken, trust is broken. Misunderstanding, deceit, and dishonesty are particularly tough to deal with, but it’s important to remember that these things are not uncommon. Unfortunately, people do sometimes lie and cheat. But there are ways to deal with the mistrust that may have been caused by deception or dishonesty Read more

The truth can help us heal the damage caused by mistrust.

An excerpt from:“ Hypothetically Speaking”ByAnthony T. Hincks(A book about you and the world — coming soon! ) If I was a savvy person, I would watch, and study mankind in order to find out where his weaknesses lay. Greed, for sure; vanity; mistrust; a tendency towards violence; fanaticism, and many other less than honorable traits and even some honorable ones which could also be used, and capitalized on. Then, once I had found his weaknesses I would act. I and some friends or family, not terms that I would usually use but ones that are more commonly used here on Earth, would start an empire. Months — Years - Millennium Who cares, for time is on my side, not yours! I would sow mistrust; magic; wisdom; knowledge, and start many religions. Why many religions? Because where would the fun be by just having one, when with a whole handful you can sow hatred; do unspeakable acts all in the name of religion. That’s a lot more fun, and, besides which, it suits my purposes. Innovation — Invention — Intelligence All of those things would come, but only at a time of my choosing. Decades would pass and then centuries. Wars would be fought. He against him. He against her. She against him. They against others. I tell you, watching something come to fruition is a hell of a lot of fun. . Anthony T. Hincks
So many bad things have happened to them that they...
So many bad things have happened to them that they can't trust the good things. They have to shove them away before someone can get it back. Wally Lamb
We cannot play ostrich. Democracy just cannot flourish amid fear. Liberty cannot bloom amid hate. Justice cannot take root amid rage. America must get to work. In the chill climate in which we live, we must go against the prevailing wind. We must dissent from the indifference. We must dissent from the apathy. We must dissent from the fear, the hatred and the mistrust. We must dissent from a nation that has buried its head in the sand, waiting in vain for the needs of its poor, its elderly, and its sick to disappear and just blow away. We must dissent from a government that has left its young without jobs, education or hope. We must dissent from the poverty of vision and the absence of moral leadership. We must dissent because America can do better, because America has no choice but to do better. . Thurgood Marshall
The more we're thrown into conflict with each other through...
The more we're thrown into conflict with each other through engineered distrust, the less able we are to unite against those responsible. DaShanne Stokes
Decadence, decadence, he said to himself. They’ve lost everything and gained nothing. The French had merely daubed on the finishing touches at the end of a process which had begun five hundred years ago, at least. Their intuitive moral desires coincided with the ideals embodied in the formulas of their religion, yet they could live in accordance neither with those deepest impulses nor with the precepts of the religion, because society came in between with all the pressure of its tradition. No one could afford to be honest or generous or merciful because every one of them distrusted all the others; often they had more confidence in a Christian they were meeting for the first time than in a Moslem they had known for years. Paul Bowles
Holy crap, my heart was arrogant to believe her spotless track record could stay that way. Jennifer Harrison
Don't degrade your soul to the extent of believing in curses. No man can curse you except your maker. Michael Bassey Johnson
A breach in trust brings mistrust, followed by a multitude of troubles. Pawan Mishra
Trust can never be earned, but can only be given. But once you have it, you can damn sure lose it. Auliq Ice
Keep your handkerchief neat, and then you can be trusted with a bigger clothe. If you can’t manage few minutes, you are likely to waste 24 hours no matter how many times it’s given to you! Israelmore Ayivor
Love is like candy floss. you crave it and it looks very promising, but if you try to satisfy your hunger with it, there is nothing. Only a sweet aftertaste - if you're lucky. Lynn Austin
Trusting no man as his friend, he could not recognize his enemy when the latter actually appeared. Nathaniel Hawthorne
Trust isn’t something you can just one day decide to have. Trust cannot be fabricated out of thin air, no matter how one’s will is set to it. Trust has to be earned. And there’s the tragedy of it, the dependence on the other, who is often not up for the challenge, poisoned as he is by the modern individualistic and time-is-money mindset. And thus trust is losing ground more and more until one day it will turn into something rare and obscure and this world has become a severly violent and lonely place, ruled by mistrust and disconnection. Anna Jae
You destruct the attention the world gives you when you mistrust your own ability Israelmore Ayivor
Changes in Relationship with others: It is especially hard to trust other people if you have been repeatedly abused, abandoned or betrayed as a child. Mistrust makes it very difficult to make friends, and to be able to distinguish between good and bad intentions in other people. Some parts do not seem to trust anyone, while other parts may be so vulnerable and needy that they do not pay attention to clues that perhaps a person is not trustworthy. Some parts like to be close to others or feel a desperate need to be close and taken care of, while other parts fear being close or actively dislike people. Some parts are afraid of being in relationships while others are afraid of being rejected or criticized. This naturally sets up major internal as well as relational conflicts. Suzette Boon
Complex PTSD consists of of six symptom clusters, which also have been described in terms of dissociation of personality. Of course, people who receive this diagnosis often also suffer from other problems as well, and as noted earlier, diagnostic categories may overlap significantly. The symptom clusters are as follows: Alterations in Regulation of Affect ( Emotion ) and ImpulsesChanges in Relationship with others Somatic SymptomsChanges in MeaningChanges in the perception of SelfChanges in Attention and Consciousness . Suzette Boon
Neither a fake friend nor a liar can be trusted, with a secret. Ellen J. Barrier
Eyes and ears are not the problem... It is rage that blinds and deafens us. Or fear. Envy, mistrust. The world contracts, gets all out of joint when you are angry or afraid. JanPhilipp Sendker
Those who pretend as if they don't love you, are the ones who would hate to see you love another person. Michael Bassey Johnson
A friend is like a rope, you trust it until it snaps. Auliq Ice
Having two women–one who can’t know about the other, and one who must be trusted not to destroy his life–is clearly difficult for him. Jennifer Harrison
Truthful hearts have clear blue skies permanently hidden and bound to thrive from the accusing mists of doubts and lies." ~ Angelica Hopes~ an excerpt from If I Could Tell You Angelica Hopes
Mists may blur vision, Doubts to lies are heavy mists, Truth clears for all ways." ~ Angelica Hopes, Haikuan excerpt from If I Could Tell You Angelica Hopes
Joshua Joseph had no great hatred of modern technology - he just mistrusts the effortless, textureless surfaces and the ease with which it trains you to do things in the way most convenient to the machine. Above all he mistrusts duplication. A rare thing becomes a commonplace thing. A skill becomes a feature. The end is more important than the means. The child of the soul gives place to a product of the system. Nick Harkaway
Doubt is a disease that infects the mind creating a mistrust of peoples motives and ones own perceptions. Doubt has the ability to call into questions everything you ever believed about someone and reinforce the darkest suspicions of our inner circle. Emily Thorne
...You say you don't mistrust me, yet you quote Chrysostom - Hell is paved with priests' skulls.... John Geddes
While police internal affairs is allowed to protect corrupt police officers that engage in unethical behaviors, illegal activities or murder, there will always be a genuine mistrust by the common people. Steven Magee
While I doubted, I had hope; but now there is no hope left and all the same I doubt everything. Leo Tolstoy
Nita: I think I overdid the vulnerability stuff in this last letter. and that’s why I’m having an anxiety attack. Howard: With the vulnerability comes the possibility that you’ll be betrayed. Now that you’ve laid yourself wide open, I am the agent of this betrayal? It’s not my style. Nita: I’ve thought it wasn't other people’s style, too. Sarah E. Olson
A man in loss is not a man to trust. Auliq Ice
Your enemy will always plan to destroy you in any way possible thus take care of your friends, he may use them. Auliq Ice
For many years eagerly thought by your enemy to destroying your life, it's all one second of mastery for you to save your life from his deadly plans, for you to survive. Auliq Ice