6 Quotes About Military Theory

Military theory is a general term for the study of military strategy, tactics, leadership, and organization. Military theory is also known as "strategy", the branch of military science that deals with the planning and conduct of military operations to achieve a particular objective. The goal of military theory is to understand how to combine strategy with tactics in order to create force that can be used for operational or strategic effect. Military theory has many historical antecedents, but its modern development began after the Napoleonic Wars when Carl von Clausewitz argued that there was no distinction between war and politics in his influential book On War.

Very few people in the USA realize that a nuclear...
Very few people in the USA realize that a nuclear war was waged with nature in the southwest by their own military. Steven Magee
[On Female Attraction to Men in Uniform] That male military persona feeds a subconscious, passive-aggressive female desire to dominate the warrior as he is perceived an iconic example of masculinity (particularly amongst traditionally warlike cultures). The damsel in distress theme always struck me as embodying this: the hapless, innocently beautiful woman unwittingly enraptures the heroic male so completely that he would risk all to submit to her at his own peril, and quite in spite of it. Tiffany Madison
You know that when ex-military personnel start assassinating their own government's agents that something funky is going on. Steven Magee
In each succeeding war there is a tendency to proclaim as something new the principles under which it is conducted. Not only those who have never studied or experienced the realities of war, but also professional soldiers frequently fall into the error. But the principles of warfare as I learned them at West Point remain unchanged. John J. Pershing
Mounting tensions in Eastern Europe send shivers down the spine. Barely a quarter of a century after the end of the Cold War we seem to be sliding inexorably towards another. Alex Morritt