15 Quotes About Maxride

Max Ride feels like coming home. Max and her friends are out to save the world, and she’s just the one to do it. With a group of misfits and a BFF who’ll do anything for her, Max’s got the power to save the day. And she’s not afraid to use it Read more

These max ride quotes will inspire you to face your fears and get up and move forward no matter what life throws at you.

He could totally be your boyfriend, " [Angel] went on with annoying persistance. "You guys could get married. I could be like a junior bridesmaid. Total could be your flower dog."" I'm only a kid! " I shrieked. "I can't get married! "" You could in New Hampshire." James Patterson
You looove me. (holds out arms) You love me this...
You looove me. (holds out arms) You love me this much. James Patterson
What happened to your tan?
What happened to your tan?"-- Fang" It was dirt." --Max James Patterson
That was the funniest thing I'd heard in days. You're kidding, right? PLEASE tell me you have a stronger motive for me than 'fair is fair.' Life isn't FAIR, Dean....Nothing is fair, EVER. That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard. I need to help you because FAIR IS FAIR? Try, 'I need you to help me so I won't rip out your spine and beat you with it.' I MIGHT respond to that. MAYBE. James Patterson
Q: You'er presented with a smooth-faced, eight-foot-high wooden wall. Your objective? Get over it. To, like, save comrades or something. How to accomplish this? A: Take a running start, brace one foot against the wall, throw one hand to the top, try to hang on long enough for a comrade to either grab your hand at the top or for another comrade to push your butt up from below. It takes team work! over it. James Patterson
Well, that's an evil smile...
Well, that's an evil smile... James Patterson
I want to do it too! " (sitting motionless) Nudge: "Nope, you stand out like a fart in a church." Max: (muttering) "Appropriately enough." Iggy: "What about me?" (stands still) Max: "No, you're visible." Iggy: "Am not! " Max: (throws a pinecone at him) "Could I do that if I wouldn't see you? James Patterson
I didn't know a van could go up on two...
I didn't know a van could go up on two wheels like that, for so long." -Nudge James Patterson
So the first thing we're gonna do, " I told him, "is push you off the roof. James Patterson
Some kids get called 'bundles of joy' or 'slices of heaven' or 'dreams come true.' We got 'the fifty-fourth generation of DNA experiments.' Doesn't have the same warm and fuzzy feel. But maybe I'm oversensitive. James Patterson
Who, last time I'd checked, was still on our official...
Who, last time I'd checked, was still on our official archenemy list. (Yes, we have to keep a list. It's kind of sad.) James Patterson
I stood my ground. "You evil scientist are all the same--evil. Count me out." Fang and I brushed past Mr. God and walked quickly but smoothly to the exit. It was barely noon, and I'd already made a huge enemy. Dang, I'm good. James Patterson
Listen, street punk. You're a guy, and you're a couple inches taller, and maybe forty pounds heavier, and ooh, you're in a gang. But I've survived ten years of Catholic school, and I will cut you off at your knees without a blink. Do you understand? James Patterson
He could totally be your boyfriend, " [Angel] went on with annoying persistance. "You guys could get married. I could be like a junior bridesmaid. Total could be your flower dog."" I'm only a kid! " I shrieked. "I can't get married! "" You could in New Hamps James Patterson