5 Quotes About Mail Order Bride

Where do you prefer to sit, Sir?" (Lady Alexandra to William, the Duke, during her mail-order bride interview.) Lisa M. Prysock
She sighed. “What I wouldn’t give for a civilized bathroom.” Howie remained silent out of habit and also because he didn’t know what a civilized bathroom was. Debra Holland
With the way Bertha can cook and her good-natured personality, she’ll be married in no time. We’ll see to it! ” She cast a speculative glance around. “Why I see ten available men within a hundred feet of us.... Bertha will manage just fine…“ I hope. Debra Holland
To order a wife by mail seemed strange to him indeed; so strange he could only open the letters in the confidential cloak of night, undisturbed by even the servants..." Lord Hartford's thoughts at the prospect of reading letters in response to his advertisement for a mail order bride in "To Find a Duchess Lisa M. Prysock