7 Quotes About Mafia Romance

Mafia romance is a form of romance that combines aspects of crime fiction with romance story elements. It’s the combination of romantic fiction with the mafia. Mafia romance is full of suspenseful elements, thrilling twists, and raw passion. The plots are very similar to traditional romance stories, which makes it easy for anyone to enjoy mafia romance Read more

There are plenty of mafia romance quotes here that will show you the best books in this genre.

Lucy: Why do you want me to stay? Asher: Because...
Lucy: Why do you want me to stay? Asher: Because I like you. Lucy: Why do you want me to go? Asher: Because I like you. Parker S. Huntington
No panties for you. And no touching. I need to hear a yes, sir. Renee Rose
Is this how Julia Roberts' character feels like in Pretty Woman? Two parts princess, one part whore? Parker S. Huntington
He saved me in so many ways. I didn't see it at first. He saved me from certain death. He's the scariest person I've ever met, but for some reason I felt safe with him. Now I'm just a fading star amongst all the bright ones... All I want is love and all I get is people trying to kill me and take away what peace I manage to find in between. Michelle Horst
Nobody has ever looked at me the way he’s looking at me at this moment. Like I’m his possession. Like if anyone else were to touch me, he’d break both their legs and an arm for good measure. A. Zavarelli
Even if it means I’ll never be the man you give yourself to, I’ll always do anything to protect you. Parker S. Huntington