9 Quotes About Lazy Person

There’s nothing wrong with the idea of laziness. Lazy people may not be as productive as people who work hard, but it’s not a bad thing if you don’t want to work hard. Some lazy-people quotes will give you an excuse to do nothing and enjoy life.

Don’t join the queue of ignorant people who do not know that their time flies away into vanity daily. Don’t be a part of the lazy lot who cannot discipline themselves in solitude to convert their time into products or added value. Sunday Adelaja
You ain't get nothing for staying low, lazy. The world...
You ain't get nothing for staying low, lazy. The world only tremble at the feet of the few craziest doers ever lived. Olawale Daniel
Assumptions are quick exits for lazy minds that like to graze out in the fields without bother. Suzy Kassem
Let not the jolly be alone in the world, for they shall talk about the future and snag to do the exercises. Auliq Ice
Coincidences are the explanations of lazy and cowardly people for what they don't understand. Patricia Nedelea
You can't expect people who are too lazy to run to accompany you on a marathon. Unknown
Where there is less pain, there is also less pay. Auliq Ice
Lazy people, the truly lazy people live on information, strategies, ideas, plans and many other criticals, simply to spend one hour of hard work and make the rest feel like a breeze. Alan Rios