5 Quotes About Kick Butt

Well, well, well. Tickle my Elmo ass silly. I was sitting across from a person who enjoyed talking to dead people, and if they wouldn’t talk, then by God, he’d just wake their corpses up instead. Next to him was a moody, chain-smoking vampire who just might be bipolar and smoked like a corncob pipe. J.A. Saare
I don't know what Alex did to piss this poisonous cow off, but now I want blood. Cheree Smith
The streetlight forge speech bubbles of illumination in the air. A faint glow from the moon casts eerie shadows behind the dark clouds. Cheree Smith
Have you always been so refined? Your attitude and that mouth.” He sucked air through his teeth and grimaced. “Do you kiss your Mother with it?” I answered like the smart ass he knew I was. “I did before she died. Of course, my mouth was clean back then. It took years of trial and error to blossom into the fine outstanding young woman you see before you today. J.A. Saare