14 Quotes About James Bond

James Bond is probably the most badass secret agent of all time, and he has definitely got the coolest gadgets. He’s also witty, funny, attractive and suave. What more could you want? We’ve decided to dedicate this list to James Bond quotes, in honor of his 50th birthday (today). We hope this will inspire you to be awesome like 007 in your own life.

You only live twice: Once when you are born And...
You only live twice: Once when you are born And once when you look death in the face Ian Fleming
This is an Aston Martin, Gin.You don't run over dead...
This is an Aston Martin, Gin.You don't run over dead bodies in an Aston Matin.""Tell that to James Bond Jennifer Estep
If Fran Lebowitz and Ian Fleming had blessed the world...
If Fran Lebowitz and Ian Fleming had blessed the world with a love child it would have been author J. Fields Jr. Edward Medina
Your on the planet too. Why should James Bond have all the action, fun, money, and resort hotel living. Paul Kyriazi
Bear with me G-Harrison because this is going to be a long speech. I’ve always had this feeling that the world is not enough and I won’t be happy in life unless I hold hands with a girl who has a golden eye and a gold finger; I beat the living daylights out a guy called Dr No; I get a postcard from my friend who lives in Russia which reads ‘From Russia with love’; I spend some time working for her majesty’s secret service; I play the Thunderball Super Spud lottery; I meet a guy called Moonraker; I finally get a licence to kill, which I applied for months ago; I buy a house with a view to kill for and I get a pet octopus called Octopussy. If only I lived twice and tomorrow never died, maybe then I would get a chance to fulfil my dreams. Michael Diack
I realize that they giggle and I actually laugh, that they show their cleavage and I have none to show, but just so you know, I am also a girl. I'm one of the three wise MEN. And it's gay to think that James Bond is hot. John Green
Loneliness becomes a lover, solitude a darling sin. Ian Fleming
By voluntarily adopting a dominated body posture you display the fact that you have accepted to be inferior. J.F. Bouchard
Now that little problem of yours, this business of not knowing good men from bad men and villains from heroes and so forth.. There's still plenty for you to do. And you'll do it. And when you fall in love and have a mistress or a wife and children to look after, it will all seem easier." He opened the door but stopped on the threshold. "Surround yourself with human beings, my dear. They are easier to fight for than principles." He laughed. "But don't let me down and become human yourself. We would lose such a wonderful machine." With a wave of his hand he shut the door. Ian Fleming
Who is this man?'' Chinaman, or rather half Chinese and half German. Got a daft name. Calls himself Doctor No - Doctor Julius No.''No? Spelt like Yes?''That's right. Ian Fleming
Alas, my being the James Bond of vampires isn't the whole issue. Vanity must wait. Anne Rice
The naked man who lay splayed out on his face beside the swimming pool might have been dead. Ian Fleming
James Bond: a paid assassin of plutocratic cartels, a womanizer, a dipsomaniac, a speed demon, a materialist. O Anna Niemus