7 Quotes About Irreverent Humor

You can’t always love your life, but that doesn’t mean you can’t love your life. Life is full of ups and downs, and we’re all going to experience both. Sometimes those things we hate the most are those things that bring us the most hope and happiness. We all have different definitions of what love means, and we all have different ways of showing it, but there is no denying that every person deserves to be loved Read more

There is a sort of mental treason That smothers dreams...
There is a sort of mental treason That smothers dreams outside of reason Mike Corbett
...I tried to pretend that what we were enacting was nothing more than an intricate kind of handshake." ~Malcolm Kathleen Maher
Manners without sincerity, is called polite society Josh Stern
Cynicism is extremely contagious, and the most pious among us cannot long endure its potency. The gullible should be on their guard, however, since this endearing quality frequently masquerades as wit. Mike Corbett
No quality imparts apparent strength to its possessors more effectively than faith. From hospital beds to battlefields, it is the iron that strengthens a man to confront his destiny. Mike Corbett
Part of the torture of autism is that the future is so impossibly unsure. Your child might become a fully functioning member of society and appear no different than anyone else, even if he does have to look at mouths instead of eyes and can't stand to give his own kids a bath. Or, he might be so violent that he requires institutionalization.. Either way, you're expected to work your ass off for it. . Jennifer Noonan