9 Quotes About Investigation

In today’s society, it may seem like there are a lot of things that can go wrong, but if you think about it, there are probably only a handful of things that really matter. If you’re looking for some inspiration to get you through your day, these investigations quotes will help you stay positive. Whether you’re investigating the truth behind the supernatural, or trying to solve a mystery, these investigations quotes will help you keep your wits about you.

We have to report this." Kai sighed deeply in relief. "I was afraid you were going to say that we had to investigate it ourselves."" Don't be ridiculous, " Irene said briskly. "We may collect fiction, but we are not required to imitate the stupider parts of it. Genevieve Cogman
Something must go within to bring what is within out. Oh yes! You need something within to bring what is within out! Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
In my experience, boys are predictable. As soon as they think of something, they do it. Girls are smarter–they plan ahead. They think about not getting caught. Eoin Colfer
When the uncertainty is known, certainty is guaranteed. Until we unravel the uncertainties of our lives, we shall always be uncertain with the life we live Ernest Agyemang Yeboah
I'd have your back off-site too, if you'd let me." ~Cain, Ghost of You Kelly Moran
Perhaps this is the purpose of detective investigations, real and fictional -- to transform sensation, horror and grief into a puzzle, and then to solve the puzzle, to make it go away. 'The detective story, ' observed Raymond Chandler in 1949, 'is a tragedy with a happy ending.' A storybook detective starts by confronting us with a murder and ends by absolving us of it. He clears us of guilt. He relieves us of uncertainty. He removes us from the presence of death. Kate Summerscale
I do not know whether it came from his own innate depravity or from the promptings of his master, but he was rude enough to set a dog at me. Neither dog nor man liked the look of my stick, however, and the matter fell through. Relations were strained after that, and further inquiries out of the question. Arthur Conan Doyle
Reverend Don Marxhausen disagreed with all the riffs on Satan. He saw two boys with hate in their eyes and assault weapons in their hands. He saw a society that needed to figure out how and why - fast. Blaming Satan was just letting them off easy, he felt, and copping out on our responsibility to investigate. The "end of days" fantasy was even more infuriating. Dave Cullen