5 Quotes About Infj

 The INFJ personality type is one of the rarest in the world, possibly because the INFJ personality is so contrary to what society expects. This personality is all about zooming in on details, paying attention to others' feelings, and searching for meaning in every situation. INFJs are often drawn to careers that require them to be leaders or counselors. They are also drawn to writing, counseling, nursing, or psychology Read more

INFJs are naturally curious, creative, patient, and empathetic. They need to know how everything works before they can start working on it.

You are not a victim. You are a willing participant that has created your own anxiety through your negative mind, insecurities and actions. If you want to secure your future then the only way is through love, forgiveness and the willingness to admit you have participated in the uncomfortableness you are experiencing now. Stop telling yourself you are justified in hate, indifference, silence or bias. You are not. You can't build a positive life through battling others. The world is full of victims. No one wants to hear that story. People want to know how you did what the majority wouldn't do-you forgave and built up your enemies. It is seems totally rare and unheard of these days to swallow your pain and take the high road, but guess what? Those are the leaders that people admire and want to know. Those are the 1% who change the world and people's lives. So why do you want to be like the world when you can be beyond it? . Shannon L. Alder
I found myself thinking that perhaps there was something inexorable about the way events unfolded, as if my life--which had begun to seem something not my own but rather something into which I found myself blindly toppling--was indeed something living, that existed without my knowledge but that pulled me along in its strong, insistent undertow. Hanya Yanagihara
Sensitive people care when the world doesn't because we understand waiting to be rescued and no one shows up. We have rescued ourselves, so many times that we have become self taught in the art of compassion for those forgotten. Shannon L. Alder
Even the most kindest person in the world, can be the most cruelest person. PureDragonWolf