13 Quotes About Impartiality

Everyone has a different opinion and view on the world, and it’s important to be open to all of them. But sometimes we get carried away by our own opinions and forget that there are plenty of other perspectives out there. So when you feel like your views are too strong, remember these quotes about impartiality and check yourself before you wreck yourself.

[J]ust the sight of this book, even though it was of no authority, made me wonder how it happened that so many different men — and learned men among them — have been and are so inclined to express both in speaking and in their treatises and writings so many wicked insults about women and their behaviour. Not only one or two .. but, more generally, from the treatises of all philosophers and poets and from all the orators — it would take too long to mention their names — it seems that they all speak from one and the same mouth. Thinking deeply about these matters, I began to examine my character and conduct as a natural woman and, similarly, I considered other women whose company I frequently kept, princesses, great ladies, women of the middle and lower classes, who had graciously told me of their most private and intimate thoughts, hoping that I could judge impartially and in good conscience whether the testimony of so many notable men could be true. To the best of my knowledge, no matter how long I confronted or dissected the problem, I could not see or realise how their claims could be true when compared to the natural behaviour and character of women. Christine De Pizan
Each and every one of us was created to carry out justice, judgment, truth and equity on the earth. It could be in different spheres of life, in various professions or in diverse gifting. But the mandate is clear, his nature must be reflected on the earth. If he is a God of justice, people must see his justice on earth. If he is a God of sound judgment, that sound mind must be revealed in people who identify themselves with him on daily basis. If God is truth, that truth must reign supreme on the earth even as he reigns over the universe. If fairness, impartiality, equity, are his essence, that should become dominant in any society. Sunday Adelaja
If God fairness, impartiality, equity, are his essence, that should become dominant in any society Sunday Adelaja
What is equity? It is the quality of citizens of a given society to relate to each other in fairness and impartiality Sunday Adelaja
Those who are men in God’s eyes would live and die for the promotion of equity, fairness and impartiality Sunday Adelaja
If you can be very impartial in analysing your own past, then you will have a much better future! Mehmet Murat Ildan
In case of dissension, never dare to judge till you've heard the other side. Euripides
ATHENA: There are two sides to this dispute. I've heard only one half the argument. (...) So you two parties, summon your witnesses, set out your proofs, with sworn evidence to back your stories. Once I've picked the finest men in Athens, I'll return. They'll rule fairly in this case, bound by a sworn oath to act with justice. Aeschylus
A good judge is not one who is impartial, but one who has prejudice for good. Raheel Farooq
When God speaks about equity, that choice of word, makes us understand that God is not referring to the leaders of the land or the elite this time around. He is actually talking about how ordinary citizens of the land relate to each other in fairness and impartiality. Sunday Adelaja
When God speaks about equity, that choice of word, makes us understand that God is not referring to the leaders of the land or the elite this time around. He is actually talking about how ordinary citizens of the land relate to each other in fairness and impartiality Sunday Adelaja
Every discussion which is made from an egoistic standpoint is corrupted from the start and cannot yield an absolutely sure conclusion. The ego puts its own interest first and twists every argument, word, even fact to suit that interest. Paul Brunton