51 Quotes About Ill

It’s hard to imagine a time when society wasn’t impacted by illness. From food and medicine to medical procedures and the development of the first hospitals, illness has shaped our lives forever. We’ve compiled a collection of wise and inspirational quotes about illness and disease to put things in perspective and remind us of how far we’ve come.

Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry, clothe...
Want to keep Christ in Christmas? Feed the hungry, clothe the naked, forgive the guilty, welcome the unwanted, care for the ill, love your enemies, and do unto others as you would have done unto you. Steve Maraboli
God judges men from the inside out; men judge men from the outside in. Perhaps to God, an extreme mental patient is doing quite well in going a month without murder, for he fought his chemical imbalance and succeeded; oppositely, perhaps the healthy, able and stable man who has never murdered in his life yet went a lifetime consciously, willingly never loving anyone but himself may then be subject to harsher judgment than the extreme mental patient. It might be so that God will stand for the weak and question the strong. Criss Jami
Many a death was precipitated by the food, the job,...
Many a death was precipitated by the food, the job, or the medication whose main function was to postpone it. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make...
Do I wither up and disappear, or do I make the best of my time left?.. He would not wither. He would not be ashamed of dying. Mitch Albom
At the same time that a massive deployment of biologically harmful radio frequency (RF) radiation devices across the mass population has occurred, we see the reduction of health care for the poor, sick and elderly. Steven Magee
To evade arrogance, remind yourself (from time to time) that your talent or success could have been better. To be thankful, remind yourself (every now and then) that your illness or failure could have been worse. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Computers and mobile devices are becoming known for their inherent...
Computers and mobile devices are becoming known for their inherent insecurities and the ability to damage the long term health of the users. Steven Magee
With the development of utility electricity for the masses in...
With the development of utility electricity for the masses in the 1900's, very few people realize that a new era of sickness and disease was unleashed that are collectively called radiation sickness. Steven Magee
Not everyone who has killed themselves because they were HIV...
Not everyone who has killed themselves because they were HIV positive would have been killed by AIDS. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
Being HIV positive doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going...
Being HIV positive doesn’t necessarily mean that you are going to die before each and every person who is HIV negative. Mokokoma Mokhonoana
That was the end of his driving.. That was the...
That was the end of his driving.. That was the end of his walking free.. That was the end of his privacy.. And that was the end of his secret. Mitch Albom
You missed it when you pay more attention to the damaged car in the mechanic shop than the sick human being in the hospital. Israelmore Ayivor
I made spasmodic efforts to work, assuring myself that once I began working I would forget her. The difficulty was in beginning. There was a feeling of weakness, a sort of powerlessness now, as though I were about to be ill but was never quite ill enough, as though I were about to come down with something I did not quite come down with. It seemed to me that for the first time in my life I had been in love, and had lost, because of the grudgingness of my heart, the possibility of having what, too late, I now thought I wanted. What was it that all my life I had so carefully guarded myself against? What was it that I had felt so threatened me? My suffering, which seemed to me to be a strict consequence of having guarded myself so long, appeared to me as a kind of punishment, and this moment, which I was now enduring, as something which had been delayed for half a lifetime. I was experincing, apparently, an obscure crisis of some kind. My world acquired a tendency to crumble as easily as a soda cracker. I found myself horribly susceptible to small animals, ribbons in the hair of little girls, songs played late at night over lonely radios. It became particularly dangerous for me to go near movies in which crippled girls were healed by the unselfish love of impoverished bellhops. I had become excessively tender to all the more obvious evidences of the frailness of existence; I was capable of dissolving at the least kind word, and self-pity, in inexhaustible doses, lay close to my outraged surface. I moved painfully, an ambulatory case, mysteriously injured. Alfred Hayes
You need to keep hurting until you realise you never needed to hurt in the first place. Kamand Kojouri
This girl who's slept a hundred years has something after all. It's called Centuryitis, and it has turned me into a man. Oh, what will mamma think when she sees me?! - Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz Karen Quan
I have died at the ripe age of twenty. Smile, for the world didn't get a chance to disappoint me. I have died at the mature age of ninety. Smile, for my life was more than satisfying. I have died suddenly–out of the blue. Smile, for I didn't have to fall ill before you. I have died from a long illness. Smile, for I had the chance to say goodbye. I did not want to leave this Earth.But smile, for I am still here among you. Why are you crying? Can you not see I am smiling?. Kamand Kojouri
..And because he was still able to move his hands - Morrie always spoke with both hands waving - he showed great passion when explaining how you face the end of life. Mitch Albom
Your true love for God is demonstrated through your ability to hold onto your faithfulness in the midst of Prosperity and Poverty, Happiness and Hardships, Sickness and Success; in whatever is Appealing or Appalling! Israelmore Ayivor
Treat a sick man with the medicine and a sad man with the music. Amit Kalantri
Dreams are like living things; they can grow, they can suffer disabilities, they can have deficiency diseases and they can also die off when they meet unfavourable and favourable conditions respectively. Israelmore Ayivor
Just as the earth that bears the man who tills and digs it, to bear those who speak ill of them, is a quality of the highest respect. Thiruvalluvar
I have become intoxicated again. You are such a potent wine, my friend. To escape your withdrawal effects, tomorrow I will drink in excess. Alas, why make me love? I was aware, conscious, and sensible before. I am ill by cause of this illusion. The devil plays tricks on me more and more. I was a harp you immaculately plucked at will. Your score, the nightingale song withinnotes composed to imprison and bear me wings. Oh, if only they could hear how it sings! I am now beyond parched. My strings left untouched. You are no longer an oasis, my friend, but a mirage soon coming to an end. Kamand Kojouri
From watching Silvia, I'd learned that one of the worst things about being ill is that most people find your suffering opaque. With this sadness it was different. I felt that I needed to nurture and protect it from people's understanding. I wanted Susy's sympathy because I wanted comfort and to feel less alone, and yet I also didn't want it– I didn't want my personal grief to be part of something universal right then. . Olivia Sudjic
So much is happening now; you must be patient like someone who is sick, and confident like someone who is recovering; for perhaps you are both. And more: you are also the doctor, who has to watch over himself. But in every sickness there are many days when the doctor can do nothing but wait. And that is what you, insofar as you are your own doctor, must now do, more thananything else. Rainer Maria Rilke
My mother is my doctor Caring for me when am ill I will love her forever till We are gone to our creator! Israelmore Ayivor
On feeling guilty about lack of 'productivity':"In a time of infirmity, the illness IS one's work. Taking care of all the disciplines that our health problems require IS the other part of the small daily fidelity to which we are called, beside the faithfulness of being attentive to God. We can be well simply by our diligence in being who we are at the moment."-- Marva Dawn, Being Well When We're Ill pg 137 . Marva J. Dawn
To wish a healthy man to die is the wish from a mind of sickness. To wish an ailing man to die is the wish of the ambitious. Roman Payne
Don't say that, " he said harshly. Rowan studied Lily for a long time. "Do you know what it means to be a survivor? It means that not only do you have to live through things, you have to live with them as well. The second part is much harder and sometimes it takes the rest of your life to learn how to do it. But at least you have the rest of your life, Lily. And that's what's important to me."" Oh, I'm alive, " she said ruefully, "Even if I am damaged."" You'll heal, " Rowan replied confidently. Josephine Angelini
NASA has decades of experience in studying the effects of Sick Building Syndrome (SBS) and their experiments show that continuous habitation of an alien environment in Space results in sickness in less than a year in astronauts and a similar environment on Earth produces ill health in humans in just two years. Steven Magee
President Trump is doing a great job of demonstrating how mean the rich can be to the poor, sick and elderly. Steven Magee
There are no doubts that western governments are willfully inducing radiation sickness into segments of their city populations. Steven Magee
Of course, no government official will ever tell you that the cities may be making the people in them ill. Steven Magee
Once the body has atrophied, you will become vulnerable to many conditions. Steven Magee
When you have something good to say, say it. When you have something ill to say, say something else. Christian D. Larson
Presidents Trump's USA is not a good country to be a sickly person in. Steven Magee
I am so tired. I have grown old from being serious. I have grown ill from being serious. I want to laugh at myself. I want to forget myself. I am so tired. Kamand Kojouri
People don't say what they mean very often. You have to read between the lines of their behavior, of what they say, to get to what they truly feel. That's what good literature is all about-- what Austen did better than anyone. M.C. Frank
Feeling sick, sad? Call on the Great Physician. You don't need an appointment; He will see you right away! Evinda Lepins
Morrie was in a wheelchair full-time now, getting used to helpers lifting him like a heavy sack from the chair to the bed and the bed to the chair. Mitch Albom
Dying from an aggressive fatal brain tumor is like dying from Alzheimer's disease accelerated one hundred times. Steven Magee
I was astonished by his complete lack of self-pity. Morrie, who could no longer dance, swim, bathe, or walk; Morrie, who could no longer answer his own door, dry himself after a shower, or even roll over in bed. How could he be so accepting? I watched him struggle with a fork, picking at a piece of tomato, missing it the first two times - a pathetic scene, and yet I could not deny that sitting in his presence was almost magically serene, the same calm breeze that soothed me back in college. Mitch Albom
Staying indoors daily will eventually make you sick. Steven Magee
I went out into the corridor. I asked a nurse if she knew where the people with arthritis went. She said lots of them went to Ward 34 on the top floor. She said she thought that was a silly place to put people with bad bones who had such trouble walking and climbing stairs. David Almond
Had it not been for "Nightline, " Morrie would have died without ever seeing me again. I had no good excuse for this, except the one that everyone these days seems to have. I had become too wrapped up in the siren song of my life. I was busy. Mitch Albom
I explored because I was feeling really crappy, and I wanted to know why Steven Magee
I may be dying, but I am surrounded by loving, caring souls. How many people can say that? Mitch Albom
Things bad begun make strong themselves by ill. William Shakespeare
Oxygen deprivation and supplemental oxygen are both bio-hazards for Mauna Kea workers Steven Magee
Cynicism is humor in ill health. H. G. Wells