9 Quotes About Humerou

There’s no secret recipe to having a good life. We all strive for different things and we all lead different lives. But we can all learn from each other, and many of the best and most meaningful lessons we learn start with a good laugh. These funny quotes about life will teach you to enjoy the little things, appreciate the people in your life, and laugh at the little things that happen in your daily interactions.

I read the title from the cover. ' 'The joy of.. crap.' ' I read the rest of the full title of the thick, nondescript volume to myself and felt myself redden. Noah turned over on to his side and said with mock seriousness, 'I have never read 'The Joy Of Crap'. Sounds disgusting.' I blushed deeper. 'I have, however, read 'The Joy Of Sex.' ' He continued, a smile transforming his face. 'Not in a while, but I think it's one of those classics you can come back to again.. and again. Michelle Hodkin
Why?' He asked.' Why what?' What could I say? Noah,...
Why?' He asked.' Why what?' What could I say? Noah, despite you being an asshole, or maybe because of it, I'd like to rip off your clothes and have your babies. Don't tell. Michelle Hodkin
I sure wasn't going to ask Aunt Sally, because if she told me once that getting your period was like a moth becoming a butterfly, she'd probably say that sexual intercourse was like a deer getting antlers or something. Phyllis Reynolds Naylor
Thanks. Seriously, you must have better things to do with your life than waste it on the hopeless?'' I've already learned Parseltongue. What else is there?'' Elvish. Michelle Hodkin
You aren’t allowed back until you’ve learned to willingly suspend disbelief. Rebecca Murphy
We all look back at some time or other and wonder why we didn't listen to our instincts. Why did we hestiate? Why did we lose our dreams? Diane Griffith
It is not a Christmas tree! " said the King, so firmly that all the girls stopped jumping about. "This is a house of mourning. It is nothing more than a tree. I thought it would look nice. Inside. That is all. Heather Dixon
Ish #21 "Stop saying the only meat you eat is chicken. It's still meat! Regina Griffin