3 Quotes About Human Failing

A certain number of people are born with the ability to make you feel bad about yourself. If this describes you, then you’ll likely relate to these quotes about human-failings. Human-failings are things that make us feel inadequate, frustrated, and embarrassed. The truth is we all have them and we all have to deal with them Read more

But let’s not be so hard on ourselves and let’s try to put a smile on our faces and move forward!

This, it occurred to me, this was the undisciplined human community that, fired by its dull collective wit, now drove the armed nation towards it knew-not-what sort of epic martial cataclysm: a massive flailing organism with all the rectitude and foresight of an untrained puppy.-- In the private letters of Albert Sloane, by permission of the Sloane family. George Saunders
His legacy, if there is one, is that I try to do my best to see people whole, for who they are and what they've been through. especially those who matters to me Richard North Patterson