10 Quotes About Holme

Gather up these inspiring quotes from Sherlock Holmes to get inspired. These quotes about life are perfect for when you need a little pick-me-up.

Here dwell together still two men of note Who never lived and so can never die: How very near they seem, yet how remote That age before the world went all awry. But still the game’s afoot for those with ears Attuned to catch the distant view-halloo: England is England yet, for all our fears— Only those things the heart believes are true. A yellow fog swirls past the window-pane As night descends upon this fabled street: A lonely hansom splashes through the rain, The ghostly gas lamps fail at twenty feet. Here, though the world explode, these two survive, And it is always eighteen ninety-five. . Vincent Starrett
I hope that the kind reader recognises this as a...
I hope that the kind reader recognises this as a despairing attempt at humour. Nancy Springer
Un sot trouve toujours un plus sot qui l'admire. A fool always finds a greater fool to admire him. Arthur Conan Doyle
In the darkest corner of a darkened room, all Sherlock Homes stories begin. In the pregnant dim of gaslight and smoke, Holmes would sit, digesting the day's papers, puffing on his long pipe, injecting himself with cocaine. He would pop smoke rings into the gloom, waiting for something, anything, to pierce into the belly of his study and release the promise of adventure; of clues to interpret; of, at last he would plead, a puzzle he could not solve. And after each story he would return here, into the dark room, and die day by day of boredom. The darkness of his study was his cage, but also the womb of his genius. Graham Moore
Murder was so trivial in the stories Harold loved. Dead bodies were plot points, puzzles to be reasoned out. They weren't brothers. Plot points didn't leave behind grieving sisters who couldn't find their shoes. Graham Moore
XVXVI, or 10-5-10-5-1, yielded H-E-H-E-A, which, unless she wanted to show her derisive laughter, made no sense. Laurie R. King
It was quite elementary, ' returned the detective with a languid gesture of one hand. Anthony Horowitz
You look at me as if I were a conjuror, ' Holmes remarked, with a laugh. Anthony Horowitz
No, the events which I am about to describe were simply too monstrous, too shocking to appear in print. They still are. It is no exaggeration to suggest that they would tear apart the entire fabric of society and, particularly at a time of war, this is something I cannot risk. Anthony Horowitz