10 Quotes About Hazard

It can feel like there are so many hazards in life, but the truth is, the majority of hazards are entirely avoidable. Which ones are you letting get in your way? Take a look at these quotes about hazardous situations to remind yourself what to watch out for before it’s too late.

For a man he get his own ship and his...
For a man he get his own ship and his own strong wind, but he cannot stop missing all the passing breezes that never come again. Tahar Mtibaa
Every time I go to sleep, I know I may never wake up. How could anyone expect to? You drop your tiny, helpless mind into a bottomless well, crossing your fingers and hoping that when you pull it out on its flimsy fishing wire it hasn't been gnawed to bones by the beasts below. Hoping you pull up anything at all. Isaac Marion
If you are looking for a job that may make you sick, I can recommend working at a high powered solar photovoltaic (PV) utility power plant. Steven Magee
The masses have yet to realize that generating your own electricity is a potentially hazardous activity to engage in. Steven Magee
People that have a police car behind them pulling them over should put on their hazard lights and continue slowly driving to the nearest densely populated public place, such as a supermarket or shopping center. Pull over outside the busy entrance and start your video camera. Inform the police officer that you are video recording and very slowly give the requested documentation. Exercise your legal right to silence while the many independent witnesses video record the unexpected stop that rudely interrupts your day. If you are given a ticket, choose to go to court. It will give you time to obtain independent legal advice about the allegation. Steven Magee
Very high altitude observatories are a known worker health hazard. Steven Magee
Antistatic devices (ASD) are commonly used in many industries and may present a health hazard to those who work with these. Steven Magee
Sleep disorders are a known occupational hazard to astronomers and their support staff. Steven Magee
Postmen have a legendary aura. A ring at the doorbell may inflame a sense of expectation, suspense, secrecy, hazard or even intrigue. Ringing twice may imply a warning that trouble is on the way or an appeal to make the coast clear. Not all mailmen, though, will ring twice and await an eye-catching Lana Turner, whom they can whisper: "With my brains and your looks, we could go places.” ("The postman always rings twice"). Erik Pevernagie