3 Quotes About Harley Davidson

With a rich history that spans over one hundred years, the Harley-Davidson brand has earned its place as an icon. From the first motorcycle to be ridden on flat ground to the first bike to break the century mark on the Bonneville Salt Flats, H-D has witnessed more than one hundred years of change. With this rich heritage, one would expect H-D to be famous for s sultry, sexy ads promoting freedom and freedom of expression. However, these ads are so much more than that Read more

They are actually some of the most inspirational and powerful ads of all time. Take a look at these iconic ads about freedom and freedom of expression below; you’ll see what we mean.

Harley-Davidson, " she said. "Sweet. Stieg Larsson
Why is it that one of the best songs in the world has to be written by the BeeGees?"Benedict Tricia Walker