7 Quotes About Handshake

I hate when I'm not done with my cup but my mom decides to put it in the dishwasher anyway and the cup isn't dishwasher safe. I keep telling my mom that my origami coffee mugs are hand wash ONLY. Handshakes are also hand wash only.- Karen Quan and Jarod Kintz Karen Quan
Hug your customers but also offer handshake to your competitors. Amit Kalantri
She doesn’t shake hands.” Saul smiled at the reverend and shrugged. She had other odd behaviors. Saul never viewed her idiosyncrasies as a problem. Rather, he enjoyed her ongoing revelations. She was a piñata of surprises every time they went out. —Michael Benzehabe, from the novel Unassimilated Michael Benzehabe
He was one of those characters who felt that a weak handshake could somehow damage his authority, which meant that every handshake had to bloody hurt. Adrian McKinty
There’s nothing like a friendly handshake to establish social cooperation, but the bonobo handshake takes erotic politics to a whole new level. Dr Susan Block
There is not a soul who does not have to beg alms of another, either a smile, a handshake, or a fond eye. Lord Acton