5 Quotes About Gospel Centered

The power of a gospel-centered life is something that can't be measured. In fact, it's impossible to tell someone exactly what they need to hear or how they should live. Instead, the words of the scriptures speak to each of us from our own personal experience and from God's clear, unmistakable plan for our lives. We hope you enjoy these faith-affirming gospel-centered quotes.

The Bible does not deny that we were various things–addicts, homosexuals, hateful, prideful, pornographic masturbators–but that is what we were (past tense) (1 Cor. 6:9-11; Titus 3:3-5). The emphasis in Scripture is on what we are and what we are called to be. The Christian does not say, Hello, my name is _____ and I am an X Y or Z.” The Christian says I was dead, but now I am alive. The Christian says I am a struggling sinner, yet I am a saint. The Christians says I am a new creation; I am transformed. Paul OBrien
...people who've been hit with the gospel respond naturally with radically changed lives and hearts. The church and the ministries of the church are gospel centered when they flow from hearts that are afire with wonder at the glory and grace of God, revealed in the person of Jesus. Daniel Montgomery
Miracle focus messages compels masses to think that the process of production is not necessary for prosperity Sunday Adelaja
This is what grace does. It rescues us from our spiritual blindness. It releases us from our bondage to our rationalism and materialism. Grace gives us the faith to be utterly assured of what we cannot see. It frees us from refusing to believe in anything we cannot experience with our physical senses. But grace does more. It connects us to the invisible One in an eternal love relationship that fills us with joy we have never known before and gives us rest of heart that we would have though impossible. And that grace is still rescuing us, because we still tend to forget what is important, real, and true. We still tend to look to the physical world for our comfort. We still fail to remember in given moments that we really do have a heavenly Father. Grace has done a wonderful thing for us and continues to do more and more. Paul David Tripp