10 Quotes About Good-Work

Everyone has a unique story to tell. These quotes about work are here to inspire you to truly feel like you’re making your mark on the world. Whether you’re an artist, entrepreneur, or business owner, you’ll find plenty of great quotes here about what it means to be good at your job. Good work doesn’t always mean doing something that’s easy or even enjoyable Read more

Instead, it means doing the best work possible with the skills and abilities you have.

Everyone in the organizations is very important. From the sweeper to the security officer; from the messenger to the manager, everyone doing well at his post is a leader. The organization becomes a leading one when it’s made up of people leading in their roles. Israelmore Ayivor
It is by continuing to put out good work that the artist best shows his gratitude. Criss Jami
You cannot afford to gamble your youth only for fun. Amit Kalantri
â€â€¹In this World, there is One Task, that 'Only You' can Do. Only You, Can Keep Your Word. Vineet Raj Kapoor
Keep encouraging yourself that you are good enough as a workman of God created for every good work one earth prepared for you before the world begun. Israelmore Ayivor
In a real road-construction situation, I would never get out of my car when traffic is backed up, walk over to the foreman of the crew, and ask if I can help make the road so that it all moves more quickly. Yet I found myself doing just that with God in my past when He was trying to repair me. Construction sites have caution cones and broken pavement and heavy equipment I'm not qualified to operate. I must have looked just as out of place trying to make repairs on myself all those years. When I put my trust in Him and have patience in Him as the foreman of my life--the One who is repairing a broken relationship with my mom, building me a stronger and healthier body and assembling healthier friendships and a marriage with a solid foundation-- I live a life with much fewer obstructions on my ultimate commute to becoming fearless. And I trust that God has made the plans to finish the good work He has already begun. He will continue constructing the life He knows I'm meant to lead as I travel freely in my journey of "becoming. . Michelle Aguilar
If you can't PRAY for the peace your church, PROMOTE the Christian doctrines, PREPARE for every good work and PROVIDE for the expansion of the Church, you are just like the PEWS (table and chairs) in the chapel. Israelmore Ayivor
Discipline yourself to be a disciple of great works and to do that excellently, you have to wave "bye-bye" to some things and then switch off your inner person not to go near them again! Israelmore Ayivor
When your youth is about to enter in old age it shouldn't wonder, what happened? it must say, well done. Amit Kalantri