13 Quotes About God Loves You

Many people are comfortable with the idea of God, but many others aren’t. However, the idea of God is not a one-size-fits-all thing. What might be comforting to one person may not be comforting to another. However, no matter how your relationship with God is, the idea that He loves you unconditionally is something that should never be taken lightly Read more

Here are some inspirational quotes about God loving you in all situations.

Others can't always define your true identity. They see what...
Others can't always define your true identity. They see what they 'want' to see but beyond your mess, God sees the beauty He created and still thinks it's good! Chinonye J. Chidolue
The world is a busy place filled with many busy businesses, both the Godly and the ungodly. It means before you go on to accept any activity or event that comes into the world, you must weigh its Values, examine the Virtues, listen to Views and then you give your Verdict. Satan is not wise; he is just crafty! Israelmore Ayivor
If we had a penny for each time God smiled at us, we would all be billionaires. Matshona Dhliwayo
If God had a flower for each moment He thought of you, the whole universe would be a garden. Matshona Dhliwayo
The kind of life you live is not only determined by the level of education you attained. It's defined by the kind of love you give to God in whom you believe! Israelmore Ayivor
What you can do, has nothing to do with your parents' last name! What you can do has nothing to do with the colour of your skin! What you can do is fully determined by God! It’s simple! Israelmore Ayivor
Hating yourself is like hating what God loves. God loves you, so love yourself and love what God loves. Israelmore Ayivor
You are your own vehicular machinery that ought to propel yourself under guidance of the compass of the Holy Spirit of God. Don't go off the track! Israelmore Ayivor
Feature in God’s team of trainees and you will play for the winning team! This is your heritage that you will lay hands on the trophy! Israelmore Ayivor
I believe in the bible. I believe in the one true God. I believe he is the one true God because he's the only one that loved me enough to actually take action in my life. Jacci Mendelsohn
The best part about God's love is that you don't even have to be perfect for Him to love you unconditionally. Unknown
When you forget who you are and whose you are, you start to compromise. Kris Vallotton