5 Quotes About Global Family

Family is a huge, life-changing concept that affects everyone. The size and composition of our families will vary from person to person, but the importance of them cannot be underestimated. Whether we’re fortunate enough to have lots of siblings or just one, we all want our families to be as close as possible. Family is about love and support, and these quotes about family can bring that feeling right into your heart.

The black, the white, the brown, the red, the yellow, the hetero, the homo, the trans, the poor, the rich, the literate, the illiterate, the weak, the strong — all are my sisters and brothers. My life is their life. And till the last breath in my body, I shall be serving you all with all the power in my veins. And beyond death, my ideas shall be serving you for eternity. Abhijit Naskar
We must work for the good and commit ourselves to postures of global selflessness, even if we can't figure out all the details surrounding the foreign dictators, food shortages, and fair trade. We're called to lean in, to work as hard as we can toward the good, and then trust in God who says, 'The way I work surpasses the way you work, and the way I think is beyond the way you think.' We're called to be witnesses of how God is at play in the world. Holly Sprink
If we allow our American mindset of consumption to spill into our understanding of what a Christian is, we are in danger of living irrespective of world family. Holly Sprink
We live in a world where everything is connected. We can not longer think in terms of us and them when it comes to the consequences of the way we live. Today it's all about WE. Gregg Braden